Tuesday, 27 March 2012


3 x 10^{-6}  arcseconds  Angular size of a 10^8 solar mass Schwarzschild

                         black hole in M31

0.0002       arcseconds  Typical VLBA resolution at 43 GHz

0.0005       arcseconds  Person on the Moon

0.001        arcseconds  Typical VLBI resolution

0.0015       arcseconds  Hipparcos satellite astrometric positional


0.04         arcseconds  Hubble Space Telescope FOC optical angular resolution

0.1          arcseconds  VLA largest configuration resolution at 23 GHz

0.1          arcseconds  Hubble Space Telescope WFC optical angular resolution

0.15         arcseconds  1 meter optical reflector yellow light diffraction


0.5          arcseconds  WHT MARTINI guide star system resolution

0.6          arcseconds  Rough optical telescope atmospheric seeing limit

0.8          arcseconds  Angular diameter of Europa

1            arcseconds  AXAF X-ray satellite angular resolution goal

1.32         arcseconds  Yearly proper motion of Sirius

1.75         arcseconds  Gravitational deflection of a light ray which grazes

                         the Sun

2.9          arcseconds  Angular diameter of a M31 sized galaxy at z=0.5 in

                         optical light

5            arcseconds  ROSAT X-ray satellite HRI angular resolution

8            arcseconds  Angular separation of the gravitationally lensed

                         quasar 0957+561

25           arcseconds  ROSAT X-ray satellite PSPC angular resolution

36           arcseconds  Angular diameter of Jupiter

120          arcseconds  Human eye resolution

120          arcseconds  Typical optical telescope field of view

150          arcseconds  Rough Crab Nebula radius

210          arcseconds  Rough Cir X-1 radio nebula radius

400          arcseconds  Cluster imprint on the cosmic microwave background


480          arcseconds  OVRO 5.5 meter 32 GHz telescope resolution

700          arcseconds  Jodrell bank 250 foot 1420.4 MHz telescope resolution

1200         arcseconds  ROSAT X-ray satellite HRI field of view radius

1500         arcseconds  ASCA X-ray satellite GIS field of view radius

1865         arcseconds  Angular diameter of the Moon at its mean distance

1800         arcseconds  100 Mpc structure imprint on the cosmic microwave

                         background radiation

1922         arcseconds  Angular diameter of the Sun at its mean distance

3100         arcseconds  Maximum angular scale of causal connection on the

                         cosmic microwave background radiation

3600         arcseconds  ROSAT X-ray satellite PSPC field of view radius

7500         arcseconds  Angular diameter of W50

10800        arcseconds  Angular diameter of the LMC

14400        arcseconds  Angular diameter of M31 in optical light

19800        arcseconds  Palomar Optical Sky Survey plate field of view

25200        arcseconds  COBE DMR resolution limit

5 x 10^{-44}      seconds  Planck-Wheeler time

4 x 10^{-24}      seconds  Typical lifetime of strong interaction resonance

8 x 10^{-21}      seconds  Electron light crossing time

1 x 10^{-13}      seconds  Typical period of vibration of an atom in a solid

1 x 10^{-13}      seconds  Typical X-ray line electric dipole radiative

                           transition time

1.6 x 10^{-9}     seconds  Typical hydrogen 2p ---> 1s radiative

                           transition time (electric dipole one photon process)

8 x 10^{-4}       seconds  Mass shedding minimum spin period for a neutron star

1.6 x 10^{-3}     seconds  Spin period of PSR 1957+20

0.12              seconds  Typical hydrogen 2s ---> 1s radiative transition

                           time (strictly forbidden two photon process)

10                seconds  Median duration of a classical gamma-ray burst

2 000             seconds  Sun dynamic time scale

8.6 x 10^{4}      seconds  Earth rotation time

3.2 x 10^{7}      seconds  Earth orbit time around the Sun

1.6 x 10^{9}      seconds  Typical time between Milky Way supernovae

1.9 x 10^{11}     seconds  Carbon-14 half-life

3 x 10^{12}       seconds  Rough lifetime of a supernova remnant

1.5 x 10^{13}     seconds  Typical HMXB evolution time

3 x 10^{13}       seconds  Rough time for evolution of a biological species

1.6 x 10^{14}     seconds  Main sequence lifetime for a 30 solar mass star

3 x 10^{14}       seconds  Hydrogen 21 cm spin flip time

3 x 10^{14}       seconds  Rough Lyapunov time of the solar system

6.3 x 10^{14}     seconds  Sun thermal time scale

1.3 x 10^{15}     seconds  E-folding time for a black hole accreting at the

                           Eddington rate with an efficiency of 0.1

1.9 x 10^{15}     seconds  Main sequence lifetime for a 5 solar mass star

2 x 10^{15}       seconds  Timescale for Los Angeles to pass San Francisco via

                           continental drift

2.4 x 10^{15}     seconds  Typical LMXB evolution time

7.3 x 10^{15}     seconds  Orbit time for sun around galaxy center

1.1 x 10^{16}     seconds  PSR 1913+16 orbital gravitational radiation

                           coalescence timescale

2 x 10^{16}       seconds  Rough supernova biological extinction time

6 x 10^{16}       seconds  Minimum age of PSR J0437-4715

6 x 10^{16}       seconds  Time for galaxy to cross a cluster

1.1 x 10^{17}     seconds  Primeval slime to man time

1.5 x 10^{17}     seconds  Age of Earth and Sun

1.5 x 10^{17}     seconds  Uranium-238 half-life

2.7 x 10^{17}     seconds  Look back time to z=1

3 x 10^{17}       seconds  Main sequence lifetime for a 1 solar mass star

3.3 x 10^{17}     seconds  Look back time to z=2

3.3 x 10^{17}     seconds  Sun nuclear time scale

3.7 x 10^{17}     seconds  Look back time to z=4

3.8 x 10^{17}     seconds  Rough age of the Milky Way

3.8 x 10^{17}     seconds  Look back time to the z=4.897 quasar PC 1247+3406

4 x 10^{17}       seconds  Rough age of 47 Tucanae (an old globular cluster)

4.1 x 10^{17}     seconds  Age of the universe

2.5 x 10^{18}     seconds  Globular cluster evaporation time

3 x 10^{25}       seconds  Galaxy dynamical relaxation timescale

3 x 10^{27}       seconds  Earth/Sun orbital gravitational radiation

                           coalescence timescale

1 x 10^{39}       seconds  Lower limit on the proton lifetime

4.7 x 10^{73}     seconds  1 solar mass black hole Hawking evaporation time

1.6 x 10^{-35}     meters  Planck-Wheeler length

2 x 10^{-35}       meters  Rough postulated superstring size

1 x 10^{-24}       meters  Effective 1 MeV neutrino radius

1.6 x 10^{-22}     meters  Radius of a 10 solar mass star squeezed down to the

                           Planck-Wheeler density

1.5 x 10^{-18}     meters  Classical proton radius

1.6 x 10^{-17}     meters  W +/- Compton wavelength = rough weak force length

4 x 10^{-17}       meters  LIGO 4 km gravity-wave detector needed sensitivity

1.3 x 10^{-15}     meters  Proton Compton wavelength = rough proton fuzziness


1.44 x 10^{-15}    meters  Rough nuclear radius

2.8 x 10^{-15}     meters  Classical electron radius

8.8 x 10^{-15}     meters  Pi-meson Compton wavelength = attractive strong

                           force length

1.2 x 10^{-12}     meters  1 MeV gamma-ray wavelength

2.4 x 10^{-12}     meters  Electron Compton wavelength = rough electron

                           fuzziness length

5.3 x 10^{-11}     meters  Bohr radius

2.6 x 10^{-10}     meters  Copper atom spacing in solid copper

3.5 x 10^{-10}     meters  H2O molecular diameter

4 x 10^{-10}       meters  ROSAT X-ray satellite mirror rms surface error

1.2 x 10^{-9}      meters  1 keV X-ray wavelength

3 x 10^{-9}        meters  Typical mean nucleon spacing during primordial


3.4 x 10^{-9}      meters  DNA double helix turn length

6 x 10^{-8}        meters  Typical rms surface error of a Keck telescope mirror

7.0 x 10^{-8}      meters  Molecular mean free path in the atmosphere

1 x 10^{-7}        meters  Typical size of a virus

3 x 10^{-7}        meters  Interstellar dust grain size

5 x 10^{-7}        meters  Optical photon wavelength

4 x 10^{-6}        meters  Typical size of a cell

2 x 10^{-4}        meters  Small dust particle size

0.03               meters  Lunar laser ranging accuracy (Science 265, 482)

0.068              meters  Unraveled human DNA strand length

1.8                meters  Man

30                 meters  Blue Whale

3700               meters  Mean ocean depth

4000               meters  Error in our knowledge of the distance to Jupiter

5500               meters  Rough radius of Halley's comet

8847               meters  Height of Mount Everest

10000              meters  Neutron star radius

10000              meters  Typical asteroid radius

10000              meters  Typical comet radius

11032              meters  Depth of the Mariana  Trench

12000              meters  Height of troposphere

12000              meters  Typical airliner cruising altitute

30000              meters  Typical thickness of the Earth's crust

5.5 x 10^{5}       meters  Height of the ASCA X-ray satellite orbit

9 x 10^{5}         meters  Height of the COBE satellite orbit

3.2 x 10^{6}       meters  Length of the Great Wall of China

6.3 x 10^{6}       meters  Radius of the Earth

4.2 x 10^{7}       meters  Geostationary satellite orbit height

7.1 x 10^{7}       meters  Radius of Jupiter

9 x 10^{7}         meters  Distance to the Earth's solar wind bow shock

3.8 x 10^{8}       meters  Distance to the Moon

7.0 x 10^{8}       meters  Radius of the Sun

1 x 10^{9}         meters  Typical X-ray binary accretion disk circularization


1.7 x 10^{9}       meters  5 solar mass star main sequence radius

7 x 10^{9}         meters  Typical standoff radius of Jupiter's solar wind bow


1.47 x 10^{11}     meters  Event horizon radius for a 10^8 solar mass maximally

                           rotating Kerr black hole

1.50 x 10^{11}     meters  Earth/Sun mean distance

1.5 x 10^{11}      meters  Radius of the red giant Mira at minimum light

3 x 10^{11}        meters  Radius of the red giant Mira at maximum light

5 x 10^{11}        meters  Radius of the 20 solar mass red supergiant

                           Betelgeuse at maximum light

5.91 x 10^{12}     meters  Pluto/Sun mean distance

1.5 x 10^{13}      meters  Expected distance to the solar wind termination


2 x 10^{14}        meters  Rough stellar separation in the central parsec of

                           the Milky Way

4 x 10^{14}        meters  Rough stellar separation in a globular cluster

2 x 10^{15}        meters  Rough Oort Cloud/Sun distance

3 x 10^{15}        meters  Seyfert galaxy characteristic broad line region


9.46 x 10^{15}     meters  1 light-year

3.08 x 10^{16}     meters  1 parsec

4 x 10^{16}        meters  Nearest nonsolar star to Earth

4.5 x 10^{16}      meters  Rough Crab Nebula radius

3 x 10^{17}        meters  Rough Cir X-1 radio nebula radius

3 x 10^{17}        meters  Rough supernova biological extinction distance

5 x 10^{17}        meters  Typical interstellar medium cloud size

1.4 x 10^{18}      meters  Hyades open cluster distance

1.5 x 10^{18}      meters  Trigonometric parallax distance determination limit

1.5 x 10^{18}      meters  Typical globular cluster radius

2 x 10^{18}        meters  Rough radius of the local interstellar hot gas


5 x 10^{18}        meters  Seyfert galaxy characteristic narrow line region


5 x 10^{18}        meters  Diameter of W50

5.2 x 10^{18}      meters  Distance to the 20 solar mass red supergiant

                           Betelgeuse (will go supernova within 10000 years)

6 x 10^{19}        meters  Typical dwarf galaxy radius

6.6 x 10^{19}      meters  Distance to the Crab Nebula

1.2 x 10^{20}      meters  Milky Way characteristic thickness

2 x 10^{20}        meters  Estimated distance to Cir X-1

2.4 x 10^{20}      meters  Distance from Sun to galactic center

3.9 x 10^{20}      meters  Milky Way disk radius

1.5 x 10^{21}      meters  Distance to the LMC

2 x 10^{21}        meters  Rough Milky Way dark matter halo radius

1 x 10^{22}        meters  Typical active galaxy jet length

1 x 10^{22}        meters  Length of the ``superantennae'' of IRAS 19254-7245

1.9 x 10^{22}      meters  Distance to M31

3 x 10^{22}        meters  Radius of the core of the Virgo cluster of galaxies

4 x 10^{22}        meters  Rough Local Group radius

9.2 x 10^{22}      meters  Cepheid variable distance determination limit (via

                           ground observations)

1.2 x 10^{23}      meters  Distance to the Circinus galaxy

5 x 10^{23}        meters  Rough boundary between the nonlinear and linear

                           gravitational collapse regimes

7 x 10^{23}        meters  Distance to NGC 1068

7 x 10^{23}        meters  Distance to the center of the Virgo cluster of


2.3 x 10^{24}      meters  Shapley supercluster radius

3 x 10^{24}        meters  Typical length scale probed by the

                           Harvard/Smithsonian CfA redshift survey

4.1 x 10^{24}      meters  Luminosity distance to the z=0.022 Coma cluster of


1.5 x 10^{25}      meters  Typical length scale probed by the Lick survey

3.0 x 10^{25}      meters  Luminosity distance to the z=0.158 quasar 3C273

3 x 10^{25}        meters  Typical length scale probed by the 4C radio galaxy


3 x 10^{25}        meters  Schwarzschild radius of a singularity with the

                           mass of a critical density universe

5.5 x 10^{26}      meters  Luminosity distance to the z=2.286 ultraluminous

                           IRAS galaxy IRAS F10214+4724

1.3 x 10^{27}      meters  Luminosity distance to the z=4.897 quasar

                           PC 1247+3406



1 x 10^{-9}      m s^{-1}  Sea floor spreading rate

1.6 x 10^{-9}    m s^{-1}  Average slip rate of the San Andreas fault

1 x 10^{-8}      m s^{-1}  Typical rainfall rate in a semi-arid climate

2 x 10^{-8}      m s^{-1}  Grass growth rate

3 x 10^{-6}      m s^{-1}  Typical glacial advance rate

1 x 10^{-3}      m s^{-1}  Equivalent radial velocity resolution of pulsar

                           pulse arrival time analysis

1.3              m s^{-1}  Human walking speed

10               m s^{-1}  Speed of the motion induced on the Sun by Jupiter

10               m s^{-1}  Radial velocity resolution of high precision

                           Doppler spectroscopy

25               m s^{-1}  Car speed

100              m s^{-1}  Typical speed of an electric pulse in the nervous


330              m s^{-1}  Sound speed in air

480              m s^{-1}  Earth's atmosphere molecular rms velocity

600              m s^{-1}  Fighter jet speed

2380             m s^{-1}  Escape velocity from Moon's surface

10000            m s^{-1}  Typical longitudinal seismic wave velocity in the

                           Earth's mantle

11000            m s^{-1}  Escape velocity from the Earth's surface

20000            m s^{-1}  Globular cluster stellar velocity dispersion

29000            m s^{-1}  Earth's motion around the Sun

40000            m s^{-1}  Globular cluster stellar escape velocity

1 x 10^{5}       m s^{-1}  Typical Galactic pulsar vertical velocity component

1 x 10^{5}       m s^{-1}  Average speed of the initial stroke of a lightning


2.2 x 10^{5}     m s^{-1}  Rotational velocity of the Sun around the Milky

                           Way's center

3 x 10^{5}       m s^{-1}  Orbital speed of PSR 1913+16

3 x 10^{5}       m s^{-1}  Rough velocity of Geminga's proper motion

3.1 x 10^{5}     m s^{-1}  Escape velocity from the Milky Way for objects in

                           the solar neighborhood

3.65 x 10^{5}    m s^{-1}  Motion of the solar system barycenter relative to

                           the cosmic microwave background

4.1 x 10^{5}     m s^{-1}  Orbital speed of Cen X-3

6.2 x 10^{5}     m s^{-1}  Escape velocity from the Sun's surface

6.22 x 10^{5}    m s^{-1}  Motion of the Local Group relative to the cosmic

                           microwave background

8 x 10^{5}       m s^{-1}  Typical galaxy cluster galaxy velocity dispersion

2 x 10^{6}       m s^{-1}  Speed of n=1 hydrogen electron

5 x 10^{6}       m s^{-1}  Young (months old) supernova ejecta

1.2 x 10^{7}     m s^{-1}  Velocity of the wind streaming out from H1413+117

                           ``Cloverleaf'' (Nature 371, 559)

7.8 x 10^{7}     m s^{-1}  SS433 jet speed

1.4 x 10^{8}     m s^{-1}  Keplerian orbital velocity at the surface of a

                           neutron star

2 x 10^{8}       m s^{-1}  Escape velocity from neutron star surface

2.998 x 10^{8}   m s^{-1}  Light in a vacuum

4.2 x 10^{-36}      kilograms  Mass equivalent of a green light photon

1.4 x 10^{-35}      kilograms  Electron antineutrino upper mass limit

4.4 x 10^{-31}      kilograms  Muon neutrino upper mass limit

9.11 x 10^{-31}     kilograms  Electron mass

6.2 x 10^{-29}      kilograms  Tauon neutrino upper mass limit

1.67 x 10^{-27}     kilograms  Proton mass

9 x 10^{-27}        kilograms  Bottom quark mass

4.8 x 10^{-26}      kilograms  Mean mass of atmosphere molecule

1.4 x 10^{-25}      kilograms  W +/- mass (82 GeV)

1.6 x 10^{-25}      kilograms  Z^0 mass (93 GeV)

2 x 10^{-25}        kilograms  Favored Higgs boson mass

3 x 10^{-25}        kilograms  Most probable top quark mass

4 x 10^{-25}        kilograms  DNA nucleotide

1 x 10^{-22}        kilograms  Typical protein molecule mass

5 x 10^{-21}        kilograms  E. Coli ribosome

1 x 10^{-16}        kilograms  Interstellar dust grain mass

8 x 10^{-15}        kilograms  Rough mass of a human DNA molecule

7 x 10^{-13}        kilograms  Typical mass of a cell

2.2 x 10^{-8}       kilograms  Planck-Wheeler mass

1 x 10^{-5}         kilograms  Typical mosquito mass

0.02                kilograms  Typical goldfish mass

70                  kilograms  Typical human mass

70                  kilograms  Lower limit to the allowed mass for a Sumo


100                 kilograms  Meteorite mass before entry into Earth's


420                 kilograms  ASCA X-ray satellite mass

900                 kilograms  Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory satellite mass

1000                kilograms  Car

2200                kilograms  ISO infrared satellite mass at launch

10000               kilograms  Tyrannosaurus Rex

5 x 10^{11}         kilograms  Initial mass of a primordial black hole with

                               evaporation time equal to the universe's age

1 x 10^{13}         kilograms  Typical comet mass

3 x 10^{14}         kilograms  Typical mountain mass

1.1 x 10^{16}       kilograms  Superterranean biomass of Earth (ocean

                               organisms are included)

5.3 x 10^{18}       kilograms  Total mass of Earth's atmosphere

3 x 10^{19}         kilograms  Typical asteroid mass

1.4 x 10^{21}       kilograms  Total mass of Earth's oceans

4.8 x 10^{22}       kilograms  Mass of Europa

7.3 x 10^{22}       kilograms  Mass of the Moon

2 x 10^{24}         kilograms  Rough Oort cloud mass

5.98 x 10^{24}      kilograms  Mass of the Earth

1.9 x 10^{27}       kilograms  Mass of Jupiter

1.6 x 10^{29}       kilograms  Minimum mass to fusion burn hydrogen

4 x 10^{29}         kilograms  Rough mass of MACHO and EROS microlensing


1.99 x 10^{30}      kilograms  Mass of the Sun

2.8 x 10^{30}       kilograms  Chandrasekhar mass (maximum mass for a white


6.0 x 10^{30}       kilograms  Oppenheimer-Volkoff mass (maximum mass for a

                               neutron star)

1.2 x 10^{31}       kilograms  Minimum mass of the unseen object in

                               GS2023+338/V404 Cygni

4 x 10^{31}         kilograms  Rough stellar mass above which the evolutionary

                               endpoint is a black hole

1.0 x 10^{32}       kilograms  Mass of the most massive member of Plaskett's


1.2 x 10^{32}       kilograms  Rough mass at which a star becomes unstable to


2 x 10^{33}         kilograms  Typical interstellar cloud mass

1 x 10^{36}         kilograms  Typical mass of a globular cluster

6 x 10^{36}         kilograms  Best guess for the mass of a possible Milky Way

                               central black hole

1 x 10^{37}         kilograms  Rough baryonic Jeans mass immediately after


4 x 10^{39}         kilograms  Rough mass of the SMC

2 x 10^{40}         kilograms  Rough mass of the LMC

7 x 10^{41}         kilograms  Rough mass of the Milky Way (visible and dark


1.3 x 10^{44}       kilograms  Rough mass of the stars in the Coma galaxy


6.4 x 10^{44}       kilograms  Rough mass of the X-ray gas in the Coma galaxy


2.7 x 10^{45}       kilograms  Rough virial mass of the Coma galaxy cluster

6 x 10^{45}         kilograms  Rough virial mass of the Abell 2163 galaxy


2 x 10^{48}         kilograms  Rough baryonic Jeans mass immediately before


1.4 x 10^{49}       kilograms  Rough total mass in spiral galaxies

2 x 10^{49}         kilograms  Rough total (baryonic and nonbaryonic) mass in

                               galaxy clusters

3 x 10^{49}         kilograms  Rough total mass in elliptical and spheroidal


8 x 10^{49}         kilograms  Rough total mass of visible matter in the


1 x 10^{51}         kilograms  Rough total baryon mass predicted by primordial


2 x 10^{52}         kilograms  Rough total mass of a critical density universe


2 x 10^{-38}     kg m^{-3}  Effective density of the 100-300 MHz radio


1 x 10^{-35}     kg m^{-3}  Effective density of the 1--10 MeV gamma-ray


8 x 10^{-35}     kg m^{-3}  Effective density of the 2--100 keV X-ray


1.1 x 10^{-33}   kg m^{-3}  Upper limit to the effective density of the

                            gravitational wave background

1 x 10^{-32}     kg m^{-3}  Effective density of the starlight released in a

                            Hubble time

4.6 x 10^{-31}   kg m^{-3}  Effective density of the cosmic microwave

                            background radiation

2 x 10^{-29}     kg m^{-3}  Smoothed density of visible galactic material

                            throughout universe

2 x 10^{-28}     kg m^{-3}  Smoothed baryon density predicted by primordial


4.7 x 10^{-27}   kg m^{-3}  Critical density of the universe

2 x 10^{-24}     kg m^{-3}  Typical gas in a cluster of galaxies

3 x 10^{-21}     kg m^{-3}  Typical gas in the interstellar medium of the

                            Milky Way

7 x 10^{-21}     kg m^{-3}  Dynamically inferred Milky Way disk density

5 x 10^{-20}     kg m^{-3}  Typical density of the gas in the central

                            kiloparsec of an interacting or starburst galaxy

1 x 10^{-9}      kg m^{-3}  Best room temperature vacuum achieved on Earth

1.7 x 10^{-4}    kg m^{-3}  Mean density of Antares (19 solar masses)

1.3              kg m^{-3}  Density of air

700              kg m^{-3}  Mean density of Saturn

1000             kg m^{-3}  Density of water

1300             kg m^{-3}  Mean density of Jupiter

1400             kg m^{-3}  Mean density of the Sun

3300             kg m^{-3}  Mean density of the Moon

5500             kg m^{-3}  Mean density of the Earth

7860             kg m^{-3}  Density of iron

19300            kg m^{-3}  Density of gold

5 x 10^{7}       kg m^{-3}  Typical white dwarf mean density

3 x 10^{10}      kg m^{-3}  Typical white dwarf central density

1.1 x 10^{12}    kg m^{-3}  Inverse beta decay threshold

4.3 x 10^{14}    kg m^{-3}  Neutron drip density

6 x 10^{17}      kg m^{-3}  Nuclear density

1 x 10^{18}      kg m^{-3}  Typical neutron star central density

5 x 10^{96}      kg m^{-3}  Planck-Wheeler density, at which quantum

                            gravitational effects become important



6 x 10^{-25}               joules  Lamb-Retherford shift

9.5 x 10^{-25}             joules  21.049 cm photon---hyperfine shift

4 x 10^{-22}               joules  Molecular rotation transition

4 x 10^{-21}               joules  kT_room = translational kinetic energy of

                                   atmosphere gas molecule

7 x 10^{-21}               joules  Donor level/conduction band gap in a doped


3 x 10^{-20}               joules  Molecular vibration transition

1.6 x 10^{-19}             joules  Valence band/conduction band gap in a


2.2 x 10^{-19}             joules  Bond energy of an organic substance with

                                   half-life 30000 years

3.8 x 10^{-19}             joules  Green light photon

9 x 10^{-19}               joules  Valence band/conduction band gap in an


1.1 x 10^{-18}             joules  Fermi energy in copper = depth of Fermi sea

1.1 x 10^{-18}             joules  Positronium ionization energy

2.2 x 10^{-18}             joules  Hydrogen n=1 binding energy

1.6 x 10^{-16}             joules  1 keV X-ray

1.5 x 10^{-15}             joules  Hydrogenic iron n=1 binding energy

8.18 x 10^{-14}            joules  Electron rest mass

1.6 x 10^{-13}             joules  1 MeV gamma-ray

1.6 x 10^{-13} (Z_1 x Z_2) joules  Coulomb barrier height

1.3 x 10^{-12}             joules  Nucleon binding energy

4.3 x 10^{-12}             joules  Energy from 4 x ^1 H ---> ^4 He

1.50 x 10^{-10}            joules  Proton rest mass

1.6 x 10^{-7}              joules  Particle kinetic energy in a 1 TeV


10                         joules  Well hit tennis ball

51                         joules  Fly's Eye most energetic cosmic ray event

2 x 10^{5}                 joules  Energy from a light bulb burning for 1 hour

4.2 x 10^{9}               joules  Explosion energy of 1 ton of TNT

2 x 10^{10}                joules  Rough energy of a lightning flash

2 x 10^{11}                joules  Rough human total energy output in a


1.5 x 10^{14}              joules  Typical atomic bomb explosion energy

6 x 10^{16}                joules  Tunguska 50 m diameter meteorite impact


1 x 10^{17}                joules  Powerful H-bomb explosion energy

3 x 10^{17}                joules  Elastic wave energy release from a

                                   large (M=8.5) earthquake

5 x 10^{17}                joules  Explosion energy of Krakatoa

3 x 10^{18}                joules  Superman flying at 70 per cent of light


9 x 10^{18}                joules  USA electricity usage in 1986

5 x 10^{19}                joules  Rough explosion energy of the Lake Toba

                                   eruption in Sumatra

4 x 10^{23}                joules  K-T 10 km diameter meteorite impact energy

2.5 x 10^{22}              joules  Energy from the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9

                                   fragment G impact on Jupiter

1 x 10^{24}                joules  Power released by an evaporating black

                                   hole during the last second of its life

2.1 x 10^{29}              joules  The Earth's rotational energy

3 x 10^{31}                joules  The Earth's total heat content

7 x 10^{34}                joules  Total rotational energy of the planets

2.5 x 10^{35}              joules  Rotational energy of the Sun

3 x 10^{36}                joules  Gravitational internal binding energy of


6 x 10^{37}                joules  Nova Persei outburst

3 x 10^{41}                joules  A 450 km s^{-1} neutron star kick

3 x 10^{43}                joules  Energy needed to make the local superbubble

1.3 x 10^{44}              joules  Total radiant energy from the Sun

3 x 10^{44}                joules  Energy in photons from a type II supernova


3 x 10^{46}                joules  Energy in neutrinos from a type II

                                   supernova explosion

2 x 10^{53}                joules  Typical gravitational binding energy of a


3 x 10^{53}                joules  Total AGN outburst energy of RBS 797

2 x 10^{54}                joules  Typical magnetic and kinetic energy in a

                                   large radio lobe (Shu 311)

5.2 x 10^{54}              joules  Rotational energy of a 10^8 solar mass

                                   maximal Kerr black hole

1 x 10^{55}                joules   Total Energy released in MS 0735.6+7421 Cluster
                                   AGN outburst

5 x 10^{57}                joules  Typical gravitational binding energy of

                                   a cluster of galaxies

1 x 10^{58}                joules  Total Mass Energy of Milky Way's Luminous mass

1 x 10^{68}                joules  Total  Mass-energy content of our Observable Universe

2 x 10^{7}      joules kg^{-1}  Efficiency of the metabolism of food

1.3 x 10^{13}   joules kg^{-1}  Efficiency of dropping matter onto a white


6.3 x 10^{14}   joules kg^{-1}  Efficiency of fusion burning hydrogen

5.1 x 10^{15}   joules kg^{-1}  Slowly spiraling accretion onto a

                                Schwarzschild black hole

7.5 x 10^{15}   joules kg^{-1}  Shakura-Sunyaev efficiency for accretion onto

                                a Newtonian ``black hole''

8 x 10^{15}     joules kg^{-1}  Efficiency of dropping matter onto a neutron


2.6 x 10^{16}   joules kg^{-1}  Slowly spiraling prograde accretion onto a

                                realistically maximally rotating Kerr black


3.8 x 10^{16}   joules kg^{-1}  Slowly spiraling prograde accretion onto a

                                theoretically maximally rotating Kerr black


8.99 x 10^{16}  joules kg^{-1}  Efficiency of matter-antimatter annihilation



4 x 10^{-6}       watts  Average energy output from 1 kilogram of the Milky Way

1 x 10^{-3}       watts  Optical disc player laser

6                 watts  Amateur short wave radio transmitter

60                watts  Light bulb

100               watts  Gravitational wave power from the Earth-Sun system

150               watts  Human being under normal conditions

750               watts  Maximum long duration horse output

1500              watts  Typical fireplace fire

20000             watts  Car

1 x 10^{5}        watts  Running Tyrannosaurus Rex

3 x 10^{8}        watts  Nuclear power reactor

3 x 10^{8}        watts  Moderate thunderstorm electrical power generation rate

1.3 x 10^{9}      watts  Hoover dam

3 x 10^{11}       watts  USA average electricity usage rate in 1986

1 x 10^{13}       watts  Solar radio luminosity

8 x 10^{13}       watts  Powerful nanosecond pulse laser

1.7 x 10^{17}     watts  Insolation of Earth

1 x 10^{23}       watts  Typical white dwarf luminosity

8 x 10^{24}       watts  Gravitational wave radiation from PSR 1913+16

3.9 x 10^{26}     watts  Solar luminosity

5 x 10^{26}       watts  The 2--10 keV flux of the cataclysmic variable

                         FO Aquarii

1 x 10^{28}       watts  Typical X-ray luminosity of an X-ray pulsar

1 x 10^{28}       watts  X-ray luminosity associated with Sgr A*

3.5 x 10^{28}     watts  Rotational energy loss rate from the Geminga pulsar

2.4 x 10^{29}     watts  5 solar mass star on main sequence

4 x 10^{30}       watts  Cygnus X-1 X-ray luminosity

5.5 x 10^{30}     watts  Luminosity of the 20 solar mass red supergiant

                         Betelgeuse at maximum light

1 x 10^{31}       watts  Crab Nebula energy output

2 x 10^{31}       watts  Eddington limit for a 1.4 solar mass neutron star

3 x 10^{31}       watts  Typical luminosity of Cir X-1 in zero phase

1 x 10^{33}       watts  Rough luminosity of Eta Carinae in April 1843

5 x 10^{35}       watts  Type II supernova peak photon luminosity

3 x 10^{36}       watts  Milky Way

1 x 10^{38}       watts  Rough luminosity of the quasar 3C273
1.5 x 10^{38}     watts  Coma cluster X-ray gas luminosity

1 x 10^{39}       watts  10^8 solar mass black hole accreting at 1/10 of the

                         Eddington limit

 2 x 10^{39}       watts  Rough luminosity of the z=2.286 ultraluminous IRAS galaxy IRAS F10214+4724

3 x 10^{39}       watts 3C 454.3 Peak True luminosity
1 x 10^{40}       watts  Typical quasar luminosity

1 x 10^{42}       watts  Rough luminosity of a typical Long gamma-ray burst

1 x 10^{43}       watts  Rough luminosity of GRB 990123 or GRB 990123

1 x 10^{44}       watts  Rough luminosity of  GRB 090926A or GRB 070125 or GRB 080721

7 x 10^{-7}       kelvins  Laser cooling of cesium atoms

1.3 x 10^{-5}     kelvins  Cosmic microwave background quadrupole anisotropy

5 x 10^{-4}       kelvins  Typical Sunyaev-Zel'dovich cosmic microwave

                           background decrement

3.3 x 10^{-3}     kelvins  Cosmic microwave background dipole anisotropy

0.01              kelvins  Typical limit of liquid helium dilution cooling

0.3               kelvins  Typical limit of liquid helium evaporation cooling

2.17              kelvins  Liquid ^4 He superfluid transition temperature

2.726             kelvins  Cosmic microwave background temperature today

3.20              kelvins  Liquid  ^3 He boiling point

4                 kelvins  Typical limit of Joule-Thomson effect cooling

4.18              kelvins  Liquid ^4 He boiling point

6                 kelvins  Typical noise temperature of a HEMT receiver at

                           30 GHz

12                kelvins  Lanthanum (under pressure) superconductivity

                           critical temperature (highest for a pure element)

20                kelvins  Liquid H_2 boiling temperature

77                kelvins  Liquid N_2 boiling temperature

133               kelvins  Mercury-barium-calcium-copper oxide compound

                           superconductivity critical temperature

273               kelvins  Water freezing temperature

311               kelvins  Human surface temperature

373               kelvins  Water boiling temperature

388               kelvins  Brimstone melting temperature---upper limit to the

                           temperature of Hell

506               kelvins  Paper burning temperature

740               kelvins  Typical surface temperature of Venus

1811              kelvins  Melting temperature of iron

3000              kelvins  Cosmic microwave background temperature at


5770              kelvins  Solar effective temperature

5 x 10^{5}        kelvins  Surface temperature of the Geminga pulsar

3 x 10^{6}        kelvins  Polar cap temperature of the Geminga pulsar

3 x 10^{6}        kelvins  Typical fusion experiment

1.4 x 10^{7}      kelvins  Center of the Sun

1.5 x 10^{7}      kelvins  Changeover temperature from the proton-proton

                           chain to the CNO cycle

2.7 x 10^{7}      kelvins  Center of a 5 solar mass star

5 x 10^{7}        kelvins  Typical gas temperature in a cluster of galaxies

1 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Typical cataclysmic variable accretion column shock


3 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Center of a supernova

4 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Characteristic temperature for electron-positron

                           pair production

4 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Minimum primordial nucleosynthesis temperature

5 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Inner accretion disc temperature of Cyg X-1

7 x 10^{8}        kelvins  Thermal electrons become relativistic

1 x 10^{9}        kelvins  Maximum primordial nucleosynthesis temperature

1 x 10^{9}        kelvins  Rough superconductivity critical temperature in a

                           neutron star

1 x 10^{10}       kelvins  Rough plasma pair catastrophe temperature

3 x 10^{15}       kelvins  Rough electroweak unification temperature

7 x 10^{-13}     N m^{-2}  Typical gas pressure in a cluster of galaxies

5 x 10^{-12}     N m^{-2}  Pressure in the best vacuum achieved on Earth

5 x 10^{-6}      N m^{-2}  Solar radiation pressure at the Earth

1 x 10^{-5}      N m^{-2}  Pressure of a sound wave at the human threshold of


0.2              N m^{-2}  Solar radiation pressure at the surface of the Sun

30               N m^{-2}  Pressure of a sound wave at the human threshold of


1 x 10^{4}       N m^{-2}  Mean human arterial blood overpressure

1.5 x 10^{4}     N m^{-2}  Standing person

1 x 10^{5}       N m^{-2}  Typical atmospheric pressure

1.5 x 10^{6}     N m^{-2}  High pressure bicycle tire

2 x 10^{7}       N m^{-2}  Typical scuba tank pressure

9 x 10^{7}       N m^{-2}  Peak pressure of a fist on concrete during a karate


1.1 x 10^{8}     N m^{-2}  Pressure at the bottom of the Marianas trench

6 x 10^{9}       N m^{-2}  Pressure needed for the natural crystalization of


1 x 10^{10}      N m^{-2}  Conventional high pressure laboratory press

2 x 10^{11}      N m^{-2}  Peak pressure from a diamond anvil pressure cell

5 x 10^{11}      N m^{-2}  Central pressure of the Earth

4 x 10^{12}      N m^{-2}  Central pressure of Jupiter

2 x 10^{13}      N m^{-2}  Radiation pressure at the center of the Sun

2.7 x 10^{16}    N m^{-2}  Central pressure of the Sun

1 x 10^{23}      N m^{-2}  Typical central pressure of a white dwarf

1 x 10^{34}      N m^{-2}  Typical central pressure of a neutron star

1 x 10^{-12}   W m^{-2}  Threshold of hearing (0 dB)   

1 x 10^{-11}   W m^{-2}  Rustle of leaves (10 dB)                    

1 x 10^{-10}   W m^{-2}  Quiet whisper (20 dB)        

1 x 10^{-9}    W m^{-2}  Soft music (30 dB)           

3 x 10^{-8}    W m^{-2}  Average residence (45 dB)    

1 x 10^{-6}    W m^{-2}  Background music (60 dB)     

3 x 10^{-6}    W m^{-2}  Ordinary conversation at 0.5 meters (65 dB)        

1 x 10^{-5}    W m^{-2}  Busy street traffic (70 dB)               

3 x 10^{-5}    W m^{-2}  Typical factory (75 dB)      

1 x 10^{-3}    W m^{-2}  Rough boundary of unsafe sound levels (90 dB)

1 x 10^{-2}    W m^{-2}  Lawn mower (100 dB)              

1              W m^{-2}  Loud rock music concert (120 dB)                 

10             W m^{-2}  Threshold of pain (130 dB)       

100            W m^{-2}  Jet plane at 30 meters (140 dB)           

9.128 x 10^{-35}     kg m^2 s^{-1}  Magnitude of the electron spin angular


1.054 x 10^{-34}     kg m^2 s^{-1}  Planck angular momentum

3 x 10^{12}          kg m^2 s^{-1}  Rough angular momentum of an artificial


5.9 x 10^{33}        kg m^2 s^{-1}  Earth rotational angular momentum

1.7 x 10^{41}        kg m^2 s^{-1}  Sun rotational angular momentum

3.1 x 10^{43}        kg m^2 s^{-1}  Total angular momentum of our solar system

2 x 10^{55}          kg m^2 s^{-1}  Angular momentum of the Sun around the

                                    center of the Milky Way

4 x 10^{66}          kg m^2 s^{-1}  Rough total angular momentum of the Milky


1 x 10^{-12}    tesla  Typical magnetic field needed for good radio reception

5 x 10^{-10}    tesla  Typical magnetic field strength in the local

                       interstellar medium

1 x 10^{-9}     tesla  Typical magnetic field strength in a radio lobe

1 x 10^{-8}     tesla  Typical magnetic field strength in the central 300

                       parsecs of the Milky Way

5 x 10^{-8}     tesla  Magnetic field in the Crab Nebula

1 x 10^{-7}     tesla  Magnetic field in The Arc at the Milky Way center

1 x 10^{-6}     tesla  Typical magnetic field from a hand held cordless phone

3 x 10^{-5}     tesla  Magnetic field at Earth's surface

1 x 10^{-4}     tesla  Magnetic field near Sun's pole

4 x 10^{-4}     tesla  Magnetic field at Jupiter's cloud tops

0.1             tesla  Ap star magnetic field

0.2             tesla  Sunspot magnetic field

1               tesla  Typical medical NMR magnetic field

2               tesla  Magnetic field felt by the electron in a n=1 hydrogen


12              tesla  Typical magnetic field used in high resolution NMR


25              tesla  Powerful superconducting/normal hybrid magnet

1 x 10^{8}      tesla  Typical single pulsar dipole magnetic field strength

1 x 10^{4}    amperes  Peak lightning bolt current

5 x 10^{6}    amperes  Current along Io's flux tube

3 x 10^{8}    volts  Typical potential difference across a lightning bolt

3 x 10^{6}    volts m^{-1}  Electrical discharge field in air with ions

1 x 10^{12}   volts m^{-1}  Typical electric field at the surface of a pulsar

1 x 10^{19}   volts m^{-1}  QED pair production electric field limit

440              bits  Spiegelman monster genome

18000            bits  Q_beta virus genome

32000            bits  Single spaced typed page

6.6 x 10^{5}     bits  Uncompressed ASCII version of _Lysistrata_

4.36 x 10^{6}    bits  C. elegans nematode chromosome III --- longest

                       contiguous piece of DNA sequenced

6 x 10^{6}       bits  E. Coli genome

6.3 x 10^{6}     bits  Uncompressed ASCII version of _A Tale of Two Cities_

1 x 10^{9}       bits  Microcomputer hard drive

2.5 x 10^{9}     bits  Twenty volume edition of the Oxford English Dictionary

                       on CD-ROM

7 x 10^{9}       bits  MACHO project data intake per night       

9 x 10^{9}       bits  Human genome

8 x 10^{10}      bits  Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectral database

2 x 10^{11}      bits  International Halley watch database

5 x 10^{11}      bits  VCR tape

1 x 10^{12}      bits  Speed reading for 80 years with perfect memory

8.8 x 10^{12}    bits  HST archive size in mid-1994

9 x 10^{12}      bits  VLA FIRST Survey data set

2 x 10^{13}      bits  Digitized new Palomar sky survey

5 x 10^{13}      bits  Sloan Digital Sky Survey 0.4 arcsecond pixel map

8 x 10^{13}      bits  NSF backbone traffic in March 1994

3 x 10^{16}      bits  HDTV for 80 years with perfect memory

200           bits s^{-1}  Typical reading and talking rate

500           bits s^{-1}  Fast speed reading rate

24 000        bits s^{-1}  Hipparcos satellite data acquisition rate

56 000        bits s^{-1}  Typical Internet link

1 x 10^{5}    bits s^{-1}  High quality audio

1.4 x 10^{5}  bits s^{-1}  HST archive mean growth rate

1 x 10^{7}    bits s^{-1}  Xerox Ethernet

1 x 10^{7}    bits s^{-1}  HDTV bit rate after compression

4.5 x 10^{7}  bits s^{-1}  Internet backbone T3 link

6 x 10^{7}    bits s^{-1}  Sloan Digital Sky Survey data acquisition rate

3 x 10^{10}   bits s^{-1}  Soliton optical fiber information transmission rate

2 x 10^{15}   bits s^{-1}  Sexual reproduction genetic information

                           transmission rate

2 x 10^{5}      1994 USA dollars  Vancouver liquid mercury mirror telescope

1.5 x 10^{7}    1994 USA dollars  Development and construction cost of the

                                  Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope near

                                  Pune, India

2.9 x 10^{7}    1994 USA dollars  Total predicted cost of the Sloan Digital

                                  Sky Survey

5.5 x 10^{7}    1994 USA dollars  Development, construction, and launch cost

                                  of the Clementine I spacecraft

8.5 x 10^{7}    1994 USA dollars  VLBA development and construction cost

9 x 10^{7}      1994 USA dollars  Development and construction cost of the

                                  Keck telescope

1 x 10^{8}      1994 USA dollars  Development and construction cost of the

                                  ASCA X-ray satellite

1.5 x 10^{8}    1994 USA dollars  Rough cost of a European Ariane rocket launch

2 x 10^{8}      1994 USA dollars  Development and construction cost of the


9 x 10^{8}      1994 USA dollars  Development, construction, and launch cost

                                  of the Magellan probe

9.8 x 10^{8}    1994 USA dollars  Development, construction, and launch cost

                                  of the Mars Observer spacecraft

1.5 x 10^{9}    1994 USA dollars  Planned total cost of the AXAF X-ray mission

1.8 x 10^{9}    1994 USA dollars  Amount of food stamp fraud in the USA in 1993

3.5 x 10^{9}    1994 USA dollars  Planned total cost of the Cassini spacecraft

3.8 x 10^{9}    1994 USA dollars  Microsoft revenue in 1993

1.3 x 10^{10}   1994 USA dollars  Lockheed revenue in 1993

1.4 x 10^{10}   1994 USA dollars  NASA planned 1995 budget

2.8 x 10^{10}   1994 USA dollars  Planned cost for the space station

2.6 x 10^{11}   1994 USA dollars  United States 1994 military spending

2.6 x 10^{11}   1994 USA dollars  United States 1994 predicted defecit

1.3 x 10^{12}   1994 USA dollars  United States 1994 tax receipts

1.5 x 10^{12}   1994 USA dollars  United States 1994 federal government


4.4 x 10^{12}   1994 USA dollars  United States 1994 national debt

0.004   Black velvet optical light albedo

0.012   Black cloth optical light albedo

0.04    Halley's comet optical light albedo

0.068   Moon optical light albedo

0.14    Mars optical light albedo

0.40    Earth optical light albedo

0.80    White paper optical light albedo

0.85    Venus optical light albedo

1 x 10^{-10}  pc^{-3}  Space density of X-ray binaries in the Milky Way

5 x 10^{-7}   pc^{-3}  Space density of pulsars in the solar neighborhood

3 x 10^{-6}   pc^{-3}  Space density of cataclysmic variables in the solar


0.1           pc^{-3}  Space density of main sequence stars in the solar


1 x 10^{-9}    Mpc^{-3}  Ultraluminous IRAS galaxies

1 x 10^{-9}    Mpc^{-3}  Quasars

1 x 10^{-7}    Mpc^{-3}  QSOs

1 x 10^{-7}    Mpc^{-3}  FR II radio galaxies (edge-brightened)

5 x 10^{-6}    Mpc^{-3}  FR I radio galaxies (not edge-brightened)

1 x 10^{-4}    Mpc^{-3}  Seyfert galaxies

0.1            Mpc^{-3}  Field galaxies

0.6            Mpc^{-3}  Group galaxies

-26.8     V apparent magnitude of the Sun

-12.5     V apparent magnitude of the full Moon

-1.5      V apparent magnitude of Sirius

0.1       V apparent magnitude of the LMC

0.5       V apparent magnitude of Betelgeuse

3.4       V apparent magnitude of M31

10.5      V apparent magnitude of the z=0.00363 Seyfert 2 NGC 1068

11.6      V apparent magnitude of the z=0.00170 H II region galaxy NGC 5408

12.8      V apparent magnitude of the z=0.158 quasar 3C273

13.6      V apparent magnitude of the z=0.0167 Seyfert 1 NGC 7469

15.3      V apparent magnitude of the z=0.239 quasar PG 0953+414 (ApJ 435, L12)

19.55     V apparent magnitude of the z=3.67 quasar DHM 0054-284 

25.5      V apparent magnitude of a typical Cepheid in M100 (ApJ 435, L33)

-33.0  M_B of the quasar BR1202-07

-31.7  M_B of the quasar S5 0014+81

-30.0 M_B of the quasar SDSS J085543.40-001517.7

-30.5  M_B of the quasar APM 08279+5255

-26.4  M_B of the z=0.158 quasar 3C273

-24.1  M_V of the z=0.239 quasar PG 0953+414 (ApJ 435, L12)

-21.1  M_V of M31

-21.0  M_V of a typical Seyfert host galaxy

-19.5  M_V limit on the host galaxy of the z=0.239 quasar

       PG 0953+414 (ApJ 435, L12)

-18.5  M_V of the LMC

-6.0   M_V of Betelgeuse

4.4    M_V of the most luminous star in Alpha Centauri

4.79   M_V of the Sun

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