- How do massive stars end their lives?
- What happens when a star becomes a supernova?
- What are the characteristics of a supernova?
- What are some famous supernovae of the past?
The fates of large mass stars are quite different from those of the low mass ones. At first glance you might think that with more mass they will live longer - but no, they are just fuel guzzlers. As such, massive stars (O and B types on the Main Sequence) will have very short lives. To get a good idea of how a large mass star dies, let's look at what a really big one goes through.
Very massive stars are also very luminous, so they tend to have very strong stellar winds (since this is linked to their energy outputs). Due to this they may have a lot of gas around them that was blown off long ago. Sometimes it is easy to see these gas clouds, sometimes not. Like other mass ejection things we have already seen, the material can be spewed out in several ways, with the most common being bipolar outflow and rings. Figure 1 shows several different stages in the life cycle of stars, all in one convenient location.
Sometimes the outflow is even more energetic and at times confusing to astronomers. Some very massive O-type stars have such strong winds that they can completely screw up their evolutions - they lose so much mass that you have to take that into account in your calculations when trying to figure out how these stars will live their lives. Due to this uncertainty, we have a rather hard time predicting what a very massive star will do or even trying to figure out what one of them may have done in the past. Images of two such objects are shown in Figure 2. A recently observed massive star (with the exciting name of WOH G64) has lost so much material that a thick, dusty ring has formed around it. This star is very far away, in another galaxy in fact, so it is not possible to easily see the ring, but its presence is revealed by spectra and other instruments. You can learn about this massive star here. Even though it has lost a bunch of material, WOH G64 is still about 1500 times wider than the Sun.
Figure 2. Two very massive stars with very extreme mass loss episodes. On the left is the star WR124, a massive star ejecting material out at speeds of 100,000 miles/hr. Each blob of gas that it ejects out has a mass of more than 30 times that of the Earth's. To the right is the unusual star Eta Carina. Actually, the star is buried in the center of the two bubbles, which are thought to be from an eruption that occurred in 1847. Follow this link to see how the bubbles formed. During this outburst the two bubbles were ejected as well as a disk of material that can be seen between the bubbles. The speed of the material in this case is on the order of 1.5 million miles/hr. Image credits: Yves Grosdidier (University of Montreal and Observatoire de Strasbourg), Anthony Moffat (Universitie de Montreal), Gilles Joncas (Universite Laval), Agnes Acker (Observatoire de Strasbourg), Jon Morse (University of Colorado), and NASA. |
We'll look at the life cycle of a 25 Solar Mass star to see what happens to one of these big beasts. It is more massive, so it can go through more burning stages than a low mass star. It can ignite the more massive elements due to the greater gravitational heating in the core (more mass means more gravity). Each burning stage takes less time. The data in the accompanying table is from Chieffi, Limongi, and Straniero (1998) based upon their computer model for such a star.
Fusion Process | Main Fusion Products | Duration of Fusion Process |
H | He | 6 million years |
He | C, O | 700,000 years |
C | Ne, O | 1000 years |
Ne | O | 9 Months |
O | S, Si, Ar | 4 Months |
Si | Fe, Cr | 1 day |
Take a look at the numbers in the rightmost column. Why is each stage shorter than the previous stage? There are two reasons
- There is less fuel available in each stage. After all, stars are originally made up of mainly hydrogen and helium, so all of the other material comes for the most part from previous burning stages. Only a fraction of the original star is made up of the elements heavier than hydrogen and helium that are used in the later burning stages.
- There is lower efficiency in the later burning processes. Less energy is released when heavier elements are undergoing fusion, so the star needs to burn that material at a greater rate to produce enough energy to sustain the structure of the star (to maintain stuff like Hydrostatic and Thermal Equilibrium).
Figure 2.The structure of the interior of a supergiant star when it finishes silicon fusion. The very center has the inert iron core, and it is surrounded by thin layers of fusion shells. The core size is actually exaggerated a bit here. It is actually only 1/1000 the radius of the star (about the radius of our Sun), but it contains about 1/3 of the star's mass (around 8 solar masses for a 25 solar mass star). Note how the radius of the star stretches out to the size of Jupiter's orbit. Obviously we wouldn't want a star like this in our neighborhood. | Figure 3. Betelgeuse - a truly giant supergiant. The shoulder star of Orion is so large that its size can actually be seen in the Hubble Space Telescope (most stars are so far away that they always look like dots unless they have a really huge diameter, like this one). Image credit: Andrea Dupree (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), Ronald Gilliland (STScI), NASA and ESA. |
Eventually the core of the massive star will look like a giant onion, with the densest material in the middle and the lowest density stuff on the top. Each shell of the onion will have some small amount of fusion still going on, but the energy that is being produced at this point is pretty pathetic.
All sorts of elements have been burning, and now we come to the last element to burn, iron (Fe). Does it burn? It sure does, but at a cost. Whereas previous fusion processes released energy, iron burning consumes energy. The energy that should go into holding up the star instead goes into burning the iron. Is this a problem? You bet your buttonhole it is! The iron fusion consumes energy, so there isn't enough energy to help support the star. Without support, gravity comes along and squeezes down the core. What happens when you squeeze stuff? It gets hotter. The iron core gets hotter and starts burning faster, which causes more energy to be sucked away, which removes more support against gravity, which causes the core to compress more and heat up more, which causes the iron to burn faster, which... I think you get the picture.
The core of the star collapses during the iron burning stage (since nothing is fighting the gravity), which takes only about 1/4 second. The collapsing process shrinks the core down to the size of the Earth. It gets very dense, up to the point of electron degeneracy (remember, that's what a white dwarf is like). Will the collapse stop? No, since the core is more massive than the Chandrasekhar limit (the iron core is about 1.5 solar masses in this case). The mass of the core is too much for the Chandrasekhar limit, so electron degeneracy will not stop the collapse - it will keep going. Gravity keeps crushing the star down until it reaches the point where the pieces of atoms are crushed together. This is not an easy thing to do, but as the protons (p+) and electrons (e-) are slammed together they form neutrons (n) and neutrinos (
The core that ends up as a ball of neutron degenerate material is called a Neutron Star. This is a star so small and compact that a 1.5 solar mass neutron star would be only about 20 km in size. Think of that - an object more massive than the Sun only the size of a large city! It would be incredibly dense, 1014 gm/cc. This is sort like the density you'd get if you took 100 aircraft carriers and crush them down to the size of a sugar cube. Try putting that in a cup of tea!
In about 1/4 of a second the core has been crushed down, resulting in a neutron star, which are in most cases only a few solar masses in size. What happens to the rest of the star? Remember, the neutron star core at this point is only a small part of the total mass, so you still have quite a few solar masses to watch out for that is located beyond the star's core.
The core collapsed very quickly from a size close to that of the Sun's to only about 20 km, so there is a gap in the support of the rest of the star. What support? - there is NO SUPPORT! Nothing is holding up the rest of the star. This is sort of like when the Coyote runs off a cliff and doesn't immediately fall down - at least not until he realizes that he is off the cliff. The outer layers of the star don't really know that they have had their legs cut out from under them for a moment, but once they do - watch out. The upper layers will fall onto the ultra dense neutron degenerate core and the material will heat up to about 5 billion degrees. This high temperature and the corresponding high pressure will generate an incredible amount of energy. The energy that is generated by the slamming of the outer layers on the core is huge. This energy that is produced here in this small interval of time is the same amount as that given off by the Sun over its entire lifetime (10 billion years). This huge bottled up energy is released in a massive explosion that will blow off the outer layers - basically, the star explodes. That's how you produce a Supernova. This little animation shows a blue supergiant quickly collapsing down and then exploding as a supernova.
- The explosion blows away almost all of the mass of the star. What is left behind may be only a few solar masses in size, though in the case of a black hole it can be larger.
- The core that is left over is in the form of a neutron star or a black hole.
- There is the release of a large amount of energy, so these things are very bright. A supernova produces the equivalent amount of energy as an entire galaxy (billions of stars), and it can stay bright for quite some time - weeks or months depending upon the distance. There have even been supernovae that were visible in the daytime.
- The iron fusion and the huge amount of energy from the collapse of the star are so great that the fusion of even heavier elements occurs. All elements more massive than iron require huge amounts of energy to form, since like iron, their fusion processes consume energy. A supernova is the only thing that has energy to spare for the fusion of the heavy elements, so this is the only way that these things can be made. All of the copper, zinc, nickel, gold, silver, mercury, and other elements up to uranium are produced in supernovae (these include elements numbers 27 to 92 on the periodic table).
- During the formation of the neutron star there is the release of neutrinos, and at times these can be detected. Remember, there are neutrino detectors that are currently working to detect neutrinos from the Sun and these detectors are able to pick up supernova neutrinos as well.
- A large shock wave is produced by the explosion. The shock wave
can travel through space and can compress gas clouds, which will lead
to new star formation. This can help explain why large scale star
formation can continue on, since large stars die relatively quickly,
usually near to the location where they were born. If one dies in a
supernova near the location of its formation (near a Giant Molecular
Cloud), the shock wave from the explosion can ignite new episodes of
star formation in the GMC. The death of one star can lead to the birth
of many more. Recent observations by the Spitzer telescope appear
to support this scenario, with a region of star formation found
near a likely supernova - you can see a schematic of the event
here. Some people have even linked the
explosion of supernovae to things on the Earth, such as climate
changes or various large extinction events - but those are only theories.
Now I'm going to complicate matters a bit. There are actually two main types of supernovae. One is the type that I just described; the other occurs when a white dwarf is near its mass limit (the good old Chandrasekhar limit=1.4 solar masses) and is pushed over this limit when too much mass is dumped on it, usually in a binary system. You may want to refresh your memory on the stuff about novae in the previous set of notes. If the white dwarf star in the binary system is really big (close to 1.4 solar masses), rather than just going nova when mass is dumped on it, it will be too massive to hold itself up and may instead become a supernova. There are two vastly different kinds of supernovae - and they have to be distinguishable, and they are, mainly because the object that explodes in each case is very different (massive star versus a white dwarf). To distinguish between the two types, the following designations are given
- Type Ia Supernova - a white dwarf going over the Chandrasekhar Limit
- Type II Supernova - a massive star collapsing and then exploding when iron fusion starts
Figure 4. The light curves of the different types of supernovae are shown - note that the Type Ia supernovae are brighter. Also, the rate at which they brighten and fade away is different. This helps astronomers distinguish the two types. This graph uses absolute magnitude as the brightness scale since the corresponding luminosity values are around a few billion solar luminosities. |
Figure 5. The spectra of the different types of supernovae are shown. The Type Ia supernova has absorption (the valleys) and emission features (the peaks) associated with heavy elements, while the Type II has only hydrogen (H |
One very unusual Ia supernova is 2006gz. This has a spectrum just like a 'regular' Ia, but it was brighter than normal. It also had too much carbon and silicon, which led some astronomers to speculate that this was actually a collision of two white dwarfs. It has also been proposed that 2006gz came from a super-Chandrasekhar limit white dwarf - an abnormally large white dwarf. So far we do not know the answer to this unusual question, but it does show that sometimes very strange things do happen. There was also a recent study by the Chandra observatory that seemed to indicate that most type Ia supernovae are actually produced by the merger of two white dwarfs, rather than a single star. So until more evidence is found (because that's how science is done), we'll just have to use the general phrase "white dwarf going over the mass limit" - which could occur due to very different reasons.
You should be asking yourself Why is it 'Ia'? Why not just call it a 'I'?. Good question. A type I supernova has very little hydrogen in the spectra, but sometimes it is not because the star that exploded was a white dwarf. There are two other type I supernova, with the amazingly original names of Ib and Ic. Both are thought to come from large mass stars that have blown away most of their outer layers so there is not much hydrogen left in their spectra. The main difference between Ib and Ic is whether there is any helium left - a Ic has no helium in their spectrum, while a Ib still has some helium. Both the Ib and Ic are fainter than a Ia, and a bit rare since they only come from very massive stars. Unlike the massive stars involved in the type II supernova, these have lost too much of their mass to have a big blast. Generally when we talk about type I supernovae, we are referring to type Ia.
Recently astronomers have found that there are some supernovae that could be better described as super-supernovae - but that's sort of a silly name. The term hypernovae has been proposed for these extreme explosions. There is a bit of debate as to exactly what happens during a hypernova, since this is a relatively new idea and most of them have only been observed to occur at very great distances. One option is that a very massive star (more than 30 solar masses, possibly up to 150 solar masses) that had been previously losing mass eventually collapses in on itself, causes a massive explosion and eventually forms a black hole. Another option is the merger of unusual stars, such as two neutron stars, which results in a massive explosion (you'll learn more about neutron stars in the next set of notes). One side effect of such an event is the emission of a large amount of gamma-rays, which aren't normally observed from stars. Now a days such gamma-ray bursts can be spotted with the Swift telescope, and several possible hypernova have been discovered in that way - though it wasn't until after we look at them with other telescopes, light visible light or x-ray telescopes are we certain about their overall energy output. The overall energy of a hypernovae is generally 100 times greater than the energy given off by "normal" supernovae. Currently the record holder for the most powerful stellar explosion is the object known as SN2006gy (yes, that is a lame name), which was observed in 2006 and had an energy output that was greater than any other supernova. Here is a comparison of this objects brightness over time compared to other "normal" supernova. This is similar to Figure 4 shown above. Here is an animation showing the explosion based upon the x-ray and gamma-ray data from the region following the explosion. It is interesting that there are two large bubbles of material, which were given off by SN2006gy before the explosion occurred. This is very similar to what we see today in Eta Carina (Figure 2), an object in our own galaxy which might someday erupt as a hypernova. Several other stars are thought to have also had smaller outbursts before they blew themselves to pieces as supernova - sort of a hiccup before a really big belch! And in case you were wondering how you missed such an amazing explosion in 2006, don't worry, not too many people noticed it since SN2006gy occurred in a galaxy that is about 240 million light years away, so it was barely visible, except with the largest telescopes.
While most gamma-ray bursts are invisible to us (since gamma-rays cannot reach the surface of the Earth), it is still possible to "see" them, since the total energy given off is huge. Gamma-ray bursts give off light at all wavelengths, not just gamma-rays (remember hot objects give off light at many wavelengths even though they have only one peak for their emission). So when the Swift satellite observes a burst, the location is transmitted to regular ground based telescopes, both visible light and radio, in an effort to measure the light output in as many wavelengths as possible. In March 2008, there was a gamma-ray burst that was so powerful and concentrated that it could have been seen by the naked eye for about 15 seconds. That's pretty impressive considering that the object that produced the burst was about 7.5 billion light years away!
Supernovae are sort of rare, so astronomers are only able to observe them occurring in distant galaxies. Currently about 200 or more supernovae are observed each year in other galaxies - in 2003, nearly 330 supernovae were discovered, some nearly a billion light-years away. While this may seem okay, the problem is that since these are very distant supernova, there isn't a lot of detail visible. For the most part, astronomers can figure out the type of supernova in a distant galaxy by obtaining a spectrum, but that's about all. Astronomers over the centuries have seen supernovae, some in our own galaxy, though in the old days they didn't know what they were. By looking at the records of various cultures, astronomers have figured out that some unusual astronomical events that mystified people in the past were actually supernovae. Here are some of the more famous ones -
- 1054 A.D. - Chinese and Arabic astronomers observed a new star appear in the constellation of Taurus the bull - this is a very important supernova and we'll run across it later.
- 1572 A. D. - Tycho Brahe made careful observations of one in the constellation of Cassiopeia
- 1604 A. D. - Johannes Kepler (and many others) observed one in the constellation of Ophiuchus
While it is difficult to see a supernova in great detail today (since most are so far away), it is sometimes easy to find the material left over from the explosion. This is because there is not only a lot of material, but it stays relatively hot for quite a long time. The gas cloud left over from the supernova explosion is known as a Supernova Remnant (SNR). Like an explosion in a fireworks display, it takes a long time for the cloud to fade away, though in the case of a SNR, the cloud can hang around for thousands of years.
Cas A, a SNR in the constellation of Cassiopeia (that's where the "Cas" comes from in its name). This is a very strong radio source, as well as a strong x-ray source (see Figure 7). Obviously it is still rather hot. It is also relatively small. Combining this information with velocity and size data tells astronomers that this object blew up about 300 years ago. We haven't seen a supernova in our galaxy for about 400 years! Somehow, this thing blew up and no one noticed it! It also looks like we missed another supernova that was even more recent - only 150 or so years ago! Unfortunately it was in a rather messy part of the galaxy, so it would have been difficult to see even if we knew it was going on.
Another neat SNR is the Gum Nebula. This is a large gas cloud, and it is really large because it is really old. It is estimated that this object blew up sometime around 10,000 BC. Not only is it rather old, but it is also relatively nearby. Taking this into account, when this thing blew up, it would have been as bright as the Full Moon!
Let's see what we have got so far. Astronomers can study supernovae in other galaxies, but they are so far and faint that only the largest telescopes we have can see most of them. They can study supernova remnants to try to figure out what happened in the past when these things blew up. That's sort of boring, eh? It isn't all of the time. Actually, things in the astronomical community got rather crazy not too long ago, on February 23, 1987, to be exact. On that night there was the event of a lifetime - Supernova 1987A, or SN 1987A for short. Supernovae are named for the year (1987 in this case) and a letter for the order of their occurrence in the year. The first one of the year is A, the second is B, etc. In 1987, the first supernova seen was labeled SN 1987A.
What was the big deal about SN 1987A? This was the first naked eye visibility supernova observed since 1604 - you didn't need a telescope to see it; that's how bright it was! While it did not occur in our galaxy, but in one of our neighboring galaxies (the Large Magellanic Cloud is the galaxy it happened in), it was still close enough that detailed studies of it could be carried out. The supernova was discovered, or perhaps a better word is "noticed," by Ian Shelton on the night of Feb 23, 1987. It is quite likely that others saw it but they did not recognize it for what it was.
When SN1987A went off, virtually every telescope that could observe it was used to study it. This included telescopes located in countries such as Chile, South Africa, and Australia, mainly because the Large Magellanic Cloud and the supernova are very southern objects. Satellites were also used - including the ultraviolet satellite, IUE (which made over 600 observations) and a variety of rockets that obtained x-ray images. The Hubble Space telescope wasn't in orbit at the time, but it has been looking at it since.
Another added advantage to this supernova over others that are studied is that we knew which object blew up. This area of the sky is fairly well studied, so many stellar surveys were done and the star in question, Sanduleak -69 202, was cataloged and its characteristics (color or temperature and luminosity) were known before it became a supernova. Why was that important? We knew what type of star exploded (temperature, luminosity, likely mass, composition, etc.), so information about it helped astronomers refine computer models of supernova events. The supernova was bright for a long time (visible to the naked eye for about a year), so its evolution was followed closely (and still is being followed) to see if our theories about supernova remnants are correct. The rate at which the supernova brightened and is fading away can also provide information for various computer models and can be compared to other supernovae.
The spectrum of the explosion confirmed the heavy element production (elements heavier than iron). This was seen in the way that various elements would appear and then decay over time. This was exactly in line with the theories about the heavy element production - a nice example where the theories that have been around for a long time finally were supported by observations. Also, by measuring the expansion velocity, we can determine the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy in a very accurate manner - something that is very difficult to do. Probably one of the more exciting discoveries was of the neutrinos from the supernova. All of those neutrino detectors around the world were set up to look for neutrinos from the Sun. On the day of the supernova, these detectors were practically flooded with neutrinos. By "flooded" I mean they detected maybe six or eight neutrinos, which is considered a flood when compared to the normal number of neutrinos that are detected. This was another case of theory and observations coming together!
When you look at the supernova today, you can see several rings of material around its location. This material is not part of the supernova explosion, but was blown off by the star years before (you may want to go back up to the top of the notes to look at those big stars that are currently blowing off mass, especially Eta Carina). It wasn't until the supernova went off that the ring actually did something - in this case the rings lit up, because the light (energy) from the supernova traveled through them and heated up the gases.
Today the supernova is too faint to see with the eye, but its evolution is still being followed, particularly what is going on with the rings around it. The distance from the supernova to the nearest ring is less than a light-year. The shock wave from the supernova started hitting the ring material in 1998, which is causing it to light up again. It will take some time for the shock wave to travel through the ring, and you can expect more neat pictures from the Hubble Telescope showing that. Here is the latest movie showing the ring lighting up due to the shock wave. Even though the supernova did happen quite some time ago, it is still one of the major events in modern astronomy.
Figure 12. The inner ring around SN 1987A is starting to light up due to the collision of the shock wave from the supernova. The yellow areas in the picture on the right are where the collisions are currently occurring. Image credit: P. Challis and R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Garnavich (University of Notre Dame) and Z. Levay (STScI). |
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