Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Increase the POWER of Your MIND

With the term mind power we usually mean the overall capacity of the mind. This capacity can be expressed in many ways, some of which are listed below:

o Cognitive Abilities
o Intelligence
o Paranormal Mind Powers
o Creativity
o Talents
o Way of Thinking
o Consciousness
o Intuition

Mind power, like intelligence, is not a comparable variable and therefore cannot be measured in an absolute scale. This happens because of it has infinite dimensions. Two people may have great mind power but we can’t say who is stronger.

In many  cases some people may have a great mental ability but lacking in other abilities.

You may not be able to measure your mind power, but the only thing you can say for sure is that you can increase it through practice.

There are many techniques that can help you towards this aim. Mastering some of them will improve your everyday living quality.

For example, imagine how great it would be if you could read a whole book in just 2 hours. Imagine how much knowledge you could be able to absorb. Such a method is a life changer. The good news here is that this is possible and anyone can do it. It just needs motivation and patience.

Motivation and Patience?

The major problem with all these mind power techniques is the lack of discipline. If you want to succeed, you have to stay tuned in and invest large amounts of effort and patience.
This applies to everything in life. Just remember times in your life where you had to work hard in order to succeed. The same you must do if you want to learn a technique.

Stay focused on whatever you do and you will succeed.

You mind power will expand greatly if you master some of the following techniques.

o Mind Mapping
o Brain Teasers and Games
o Speed Reading
o People Observation
o Meditation
o Critical & Lateral Thinking
o Wondering and Thinking Deeply
o Writing
o Learning a Foreign Language
o Realizing Brain’s Limits
o Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
o Thought Management
o Mind Control

This list can go on and on as there are a lot more mind-expanding dimensions that can be included in it. Ok, some of the above are interrelated, like Meditation and Mind Control or Language learning and Writing.

Some meanings are subsets of others. The reason that  they are included in the list is that they are alone effective in expanding the power of the mind.
Your brain consists of the left and the right hemispheres. Each hemispheres manages specific mental tasks. The techniques we mentioned earlier target both hemispheres.

For example, some Brain teasers and games improves left hemisphere while wondering engages the right hemisphere. The most techniques  though improve both hemispheres. An example is writing which requires creativity and also linguistic skills.

Overview of the Mind Power Techniques

Let’s discuss briefly the list of mind power techniques.

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a learning technique that exploits more of your mind capabilities. Who said that learning is linear?

Using mind maps while your study, you help your mind to store the information into the long-term memory. A mind map is not linear. This means that you cannot read it in a sequential way. It is just a scheme containing all the important information you want to memorize.

Mind mapping is not a replacement to the traditional method of learning but a supplement. You use it as you study.

In order to create a mind map you have to know the important meanings, definitions and concepts of what you read. That’s why you cannot replace the traditional way of studying with mind mapping.

If you haven’t ever used mind mapping then I recommend you try it. It’s a powerful tool that can increase your learning capability.

Brain Teasers and Games

Brain Games - Lumosity

Brain teasers and brain games are entertaining and you can also benefit from them.

There are many types of brain teasers and games. Each type is intended to improve a specific area in your brain. Brain areas such as frontal, parietal and temporal lobes, are related to different mental tasks. Improving these areas results to better and faster thinking.
You don’t need more than 15 minutes per day to keep your brain in shape.

They say that the brain is like a muscle. You have to train it. It is vital to use your existing neuron networks. If you don’t, then your brain will shut them down. Therefore your total mind power declines.

Speed Reading

Speed reading techniques help you read faster. The difficult part is to get used to it. Despite this, they become a little tiring after a while.

There are many speed reading courses online that instruct you how to increase the reading speed. I will write a review if I try any of these that it is worth it.

Be careful though of the scams. There are also many programs that promises to increase your reading speed to unbelievable and extreme speeds.

When you read faster and faster your comprehension gets lower. So a program that promises you reading at 20000 words per minute understanding every single sentence it may be a scam. Keep your money.

People Observation

Well, by using this term I mean to observe people’s reactions, behavior and body movements. A part of this is the body language. People observation takes you a step further from the body language. You observe also their mindset as a whole.

You can find similarities in the way of thinking in completely different people. If you do this with every person you meet, after some time, you will do it subconsciously.
In the end you will have an intuitive feeling about the thoughts of others and their emotional states. Emotional Intelligence develops and gets improved.

Observing people, even if you don’t know them, improves also your psychological skills. You will be able to detect lies, intentions and maybe some thoughts of others.

I used to do this consciously every time I met someone. If there was no one to meet, I just watched the people around.

Finally, this skill became active permanently and I never do it consciously any more. This gives me an advantage into my interpersonal relationships. It’s a good way to better understand and communicate with other people.


Meditation is a very old relaxation practice used mainly by oriental civilizations. Its positive effects on body and mind have been proved and nowadays meditation has become very popular.

When you meditate you go deep into yourself and slowly you silence your thoughts.

Meditation is the art of awareness. Any act which is done with awareness and doesn’t involve judgment or feelings is meditation.

With meditation you can increase your brain power in various ways like altering your consciousness to a higher level. 

Meditation is also a method of  mind control and thought management.

Critical & Lateral Thinking

Critical thinking, in general, is the ability to judge properly a situation and then decide if you agree or disagree with it. This situation may be an argument, a belief or an action.

Critical thinking is a left hemisphere process and involves basically logic. But it is not only logic’s product. Critical thinking involves other skills as well such as clarity, fairness and others.

It is believed that people who have critical thinking usually tend to reject. But actually, people who reject have no critical thinking. They just are suspicious and afraid of everything.

Lateral thinking now is a completely different way of thinking. Lateral thinking is a product of creativity and it is a right hemisphere process. It is also known as “thinking outside the box”.

When you think laterally you approach a situation in an indirect way. You create new ideas and invent new perspectives.

Lateral thinking helps you solving problems in a creative way, finding solutions that are not initially visible. Lateral thinking is also an ability that is appreciated in management and business.

Thinking out of the box means that you are  creative and creativity is a sign of increased mind power.

Wondering and Thinking Deeply

 Wondering is a trait that indicates the existence of Spiritual Intelligence. Wondering has to do with supreme questions like how the world was created, the existence of god etc.

Such questions triggered philosophers to think and share their views about the world.

When you wonder you have the tendency to search and find answers to questions like these. Of course you can only find theories as most of these questions have not been answered.

You finally end up with your own theories and explanations and see if the are fit in the world or not.

These processes lead your mind to a never-ending analysis of the world around you, inducing you to think deeply.

More or less we all have moments of deep thinking in our everyday living. Many time we  realize truths that we were unaware of, changing our understanding of the world.

Try to compare your views now with the views you had 5 years ago. You will see that you have changed your opinion in a lot of matters.

This happens because every day you realize things that change your way of thinking. Thinking Deeply helps you understand better the world and the people around you.

It is also a form of lateral thinking. Asking yourself why and trying to understand how things work, induce you to think laterally. Thinking Deeply expands your consciousness and so also your mind power.


Writing is one of the four linguistic skills. The other three are speaking, reading and listening. I chose writing because it engages your mind’s creativity and also gives you the time to organize your thoughts.

When you write an article, thousands of thoughts and ideas pass through your head. You may not know how to start writing an article (blank page syndrome) but if you start your mind fills with ideas (brainstorming) and you can write for hours.

When you write your creativity is engaged . Doing this too often, your mind learns how to enter this creative state faster. You can reach a level that this will happen instantly. By becoming more creative you increase your mind power significantly.

Learning a Foreign Language

Nothing can maintain your mind’s resources better than learning a new foreign language. When you learn a new language a process called neurogenesis is engaged in your brain.

Neurogenesis is a term describing the creation of new neuron networks.

Despite this fact, a different language introduces you to a whole new way of thinking. Your intelligence and memory improve as you learn all the new vocabulary, syntax and grammatical rules. It engages all of your brain’s subsystems. It is the most complete mind power technique.

I once read in a magazine that learning a new language slows down the aging process. It is an all-in-one way to expand and keep your mind in shape and a very powerful way to increase your mind power.

Knowing your Brain’s Limits

How can this knowledge contribute to your mind expansion? It keeps you motivated and healthy.

This is not actually a technique but a prerequisite. You have to know your brain’s limits in order to achieve your goals.

You cannot expect that you will develop telekinesis in a matter of days or months. The possibility of ever developing such a power is nearly zero.

The above example emphasizes on the fact that you must have patience. Setting rational goals that your brain is able to achieve will have much greater results than setting goals that you don’t believe in.

The brain is not a machine, it is a biological organ. This means that it needs rest. Don’t keep your brain working without rest because you damage it. You will lose all of your gains if you don’t pay attention to your brain’s needs.

Good brain foods must be also a concern as these will boost the brain’s potential limit. Feed well the gray matter and you will be rewarded.

Sleeping is a vital process for your mind. It needs it to organize the day’s new experiences, so give it its time. Try to sleep as many hours as your mind needs, not less but also not more. Oversleeping is also not good for your mind.

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Neurolinguistic Programming is a set of psychological tools that increase your influence over other people. Mastering NLP techniques gives you a huge advantage and disposition when interacting with people.

You can actually control other people’s minds if you are an expert in NLP.   It’s not easy to reach such a level but you can learn some basics that you can use in order to influence someone.

Thought Management

What I refer to as thought management is the ability to organize your thoughts and set priorities effectively. This usually applies to a working environment where many jobs have to be done in a short amount of time.

People who have a good thought management own managerial positions in companies. They are able to put priorities to a job stack and finish all of the jobs in time. Doing this is very difficult because such a job position is very stressful.

You have to remain calm in order to have a good thought management. This is a result of mind power increase rather than a technique. When you control your stress levels then it is easier for you to manage your thoughts.

Mind Control

Your mind power will be increased noticeably as you start controlling your mind. There are techniques, such as the Silva Method, which help you bring your thoughts under control.

Mind control is not just a technique but a set of techniques. This is a category in itself that will bring your consciousness to an upper level. Expect the effects to be strong and to change your general world perception.

All the above are tips and techniques that will evolve your mind. You don’t have to master all these techniques in order to ascend level. Take your time and don’t get anxious. Remember patience is the key.

 We explore more below.

1. You can increase your mind power using mental training techniques

Mental training techniques are specific strategies that you can use to make your mind power increase to new levels. Techniques like IS, QWS, VAK and PT are some techniques you can use to accelerate your mind power to a totally new level.

2. Take optimal nutrition

What you eat will have a tremendous impact on the overall levels of mind power you have. The better your nutrition, the greater the mind power you will have. You will feel:

a) clearer in your mind
b) sharper
c) have more focus and concentration
d) experience greater creativity, intuition, problem solving and grammar ability
e) have a stronger memory, learning ability and retention rate

All of this can happen through good nutrition, so consider taking advantage of it now.

3. Learn as much as possible in your area of expertise

Your area of expertise is that area where you feel you are able to progress the most in. The more you learn, the greater will be the overall ability you have. As you progress in your understanding, the success you want will be naturally yours.

Read books from experts in your field. Listen to audio programs. Attend seminars. Do all the things that will allow you to become an expert in your field and to do the things that will allow you to accomplish the success you want.

Knowledge is a key source of mind power and will allow you to greatly move towards that which you really want.

4. Focus your mind as much as possible

Focusing the mind allows you to access the subconscious mind. Focus is the doorway to the subconscious and will allow you to derive more from it. The subconscious mind has all your great intellectual abilities, such as all the intuition, positive ideas, creativity and deep insights you require.

So whatever you do, do it in a focused way. The greater the focus you can keep going, the greater will be the success you naturally enjoy from the things you do.

5. Modify your behavior

Do only the things that will allow your mind power to increase. This means removing all distractions from your life and which take away your focus. Instead, you should be goal orientated because that allows you to program your subconscious mind.

6. Follow a clear plan of action every single day

Following a clear plan of action every day allows you to be organised and clear in your mind. When you are organised and clear in your mind, you can make much better progress to the goals which are important to you. A high level of progress comes from clarity of mind and having a clear plan of action.

As you begin to write your action plans down and follow through with them with high levels of dedication and discipline, you will achieve much greater levels of success.

7. Program the subconscious mind

The subconscious mind you have is the foundation for your mind power and your efforts to increase it. When you access more of your subconscious mind, you can achieve much greater mental abilities than you could ever imagine. Your ability to access the power of the mind and follow through with it will help you to achieve the highest levels of success.

What To Expect

As you increase your mind power, you will find all of your intellectual functions improving much more easily. You will find yourself in a fantastic position to achieve your goals and do the things that enhance your success even more. You will become more driven, have greater abilities all round, and benefit greatly from your success.

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