It has been found that filaments, arcs, and shells
characterize the small-scale structure of molecular gas in the Galactic
Center. They are all electrodynamic plasma configurations. A single
charged particle in 10,000 neutral gas molecules is sufficient to have
the gas behave as plasma, where electromagnetic forces dominate.
An electric star is formed by the equivalent of a lightning bolt in a molecular (plasma) cloud. Just like earthly lightning, cosmic lightning scavenges, squeezes and heats matter along the discharge channel. Where the squeeze is most intense, the current may ‘pinch off’ to give the effect of ‘bead lightning.’ In high-energy plasma lab discharges researchers have found that hot plasma ‘beads’ (known as plasmoids) form along the discharge axis before “scattering like buckshot” when the discharge quenches.
The dense plasma focus device, or “plasma gun” provides a mechanism by which cosmic electric currents can influence space structures, whether they be moons or galaxies.
A dense plasma focus (DPF) produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, short-lived plasma that is so hot and dense that it becomes a copious multi-radiation source. The electromagnetic compression of a plasma is called a "pinch".
Two coaxial cylindrical electrodes have a very high voltage and current from a charged bank of electrical capacitors applied between them at one end. The gas breaks down. An axisymmetric sheath of plasma current lifts off the insulator due to the interaction of the current with its own magnetic field (J×B force). A radial discharge is initiated (shown in blue), which moves axially along the electrodes (1), under the influence of its self-generated magnetic field, until it reaches the end of the electrodes. There it balloons out in a filamentary penumbra (2).
When the imploding front of the shock wave coalesces onto the axis, a reflected shock front emanates from the axis until it meets the driving current sheath which then forms the axisymmetric boundary of the 'pinched' or focused hot plasma column.
The energy of the discharge becomes focused at the center of the inner
electrode (3) where a ‘kink’ plasma instability causes the filaments to
form a ‘coiled coil’ like a coiled telephone cord.
The kink instability twists upon itself to form a tiny donut shaped ‘plasmoid’ of extremely high energy density. Eventually, the plasmoid breaks down and electrons and ions are accelerated from the plasmoid in opposite directions along the axis in intense, narrow beams (4).
All this becomes clear if you watch this good visual youtube movie: Plasma Focus Operation
Its also essential to see how the kink plasma instability causes the filaments to form a coiled coil here:
Focus Fusion process
A person explains the birkeland filament twisting and plasmoid formation in: Focus Fusion The dense plasma column (akin to the Z-pinch) rapidly "pinches" and undergoes instabilities and breaks up. The intense electromagnetic and particle bursts, collectively referred to as 'multi-radiation' occur during the dense plasma and breakup phases. These critical phases last typically tens of nanoseconds for a small focus (kJ, 100 kA) to around a microsecond for a large focus (MJ, several MA). The whole process, including axial and radial phases, may last a few microseconds (for a small focus) to 10 microseconds (for a large focus). The whole process proceeds at many times the speed of sound in the ambient gas.
A characteristic of the dense plasma focus is that the energy density of the focused plasma is practically a constant over the whole range of machines. A small table-top-sized plasma focus machine produces essentially the same plasma characteristics (temperature and density) as the largest plasma focus. Of course the larger machine will produce, the larger volume of focused plasma with a corresponding longer lifetime and more radiation yield. Even the smallest plasma focus has essentially the same dynamic characteristics as larger machines, producing the same plasma characteristics and the same radiation products and radiation characteristics. This is due to the scalability of plasma phenomena.
The entire energy stored in the magnetic field of the device is now contained in a very small area (half a millimetre across) and the electrons orbit in smaller circles as the field increases, giving off radiation of a higher frequency.
Because plasma tends to be opaque to low frequency radiation, and transparent to high frequency, the radiation suddenly escapes. The electrons quickly loose their energy, the current drops and the field weakens. The electrons (that travel along the magnetic field lines) tangle, the result being like turning off a switch, and similar to the effect of a double layer.
The falling magnetic field generates a huge electrical field which shoots two high-energy beams out of the plasmoid, the electrons one way, the protons in the opposite direction. The beam consists of many dense helical filaments (one micron across). Some ions are heated to such high temperatures that they fuse. A similar cosmic scale plasma focus phenomenon is thought to be generated at the Galactic Center by filamentary helical "Birkeland" currents flowing in along the spiral arms and out along the galactic spin axis. An infrared "double helix" nebula located about 100 parsecs from the Galactic Center has its axis oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane and is apparently connected to the circum-nuclear disk, which is conventionally thought to be an accretion disk harboring a "supermassive" black hole.
The double helix is the characteristic form of a Birkeland current
filament. Like the filaments in the Galactic Center Radio Arc in the
first image, it is a glowing section of the electric circuit connecting
the central plasmoid to the galaxy and beyond. The CND is typical of a
dusty plasma ring current circulating around a magnetized celestial
object. The magnetic field in the central few hundred parsecs of the
Milky Way has a dipolar geometry and is substantially stronger than
elsewhere in the Galaxy.
A magnetic field requires an electric current and circuit. It is thought that Birkeland filaments align with the ambient magnetic field which is, in turn, generated by electric currents flowing into the central plasmoid. Plasmoids are well known in the plasma laboratory as a high-density energy storage phenomenon that produces well-collimated jets after a time that depends upon particle collisions within the plasmoid.
X-ray emission is a signature of electrical activity. There is a persistent high-energy flux from the heart of the Milky Way. The spectral characteristics of the X-ray emission from this region suggests that the source is most likely not point-like but, rather, that it is a compact, yet diffuse, non-thermal emission region, which we should expect from an electromagnetic plasmoid. X-ray flares fire roughly every 20 minutes - a regularity that is hard to explain in terms of erratic infall of matter into a black hole. But clockwork regularity of plasma discharges already explains the pulsations from other bodies in deep space. The center of our galaxy is emitting gamma rays with energies in the tens of trillions of electron volts. The plasma focus is the most copious source of high-energy particles and radiation known to plasma experimenters.
The plasmoid is "quiet" while storing electromagnetic energy. The
persistent high-energy flux comes from synchrotron radiation from the
circulating charged particles in the plasmoid. As soon as the particle
densities in the plasmoid filaments reach some critical value,
collisions begin to dominate and the plasmoid begins to decay. The
density is greatest in the bundle of axial filaments, so that is where
the stored energy is released in the form of thin axial jets
of neutrons, charged particles and radiation. In the process the axial
current is "pinched off," which could focus upon the plasmoid some of
the prodigious electromagnetic energy stored in the intergalactic
circuit. The plasmoid becomes an Active Galactic Nucleus.
Stars are an electrical phenomenon. Stars are not formed by
gravitational accretion but in the incomparably more powerful plasma
z-pinch. The galactic plasmoid is a concentrated z-pinch. As a z-pinch
subsides, experiment shows that a number of consolidated objects that
formed along the pinch scatter like buckshot. So stars born in the
plasmoid will initially have random eccentric orbits. Stellar rotation
is imparted by the pinch vortex and should be similar in the group. The
stars beyond 0.02 parsec from the Galactic Center show different
kinematics and stellar properties from those stars inside that limit. It
indicates a discontinuity in the properties of the plasma environment
rather than something intrinsic to the stars.
The hallmark of plasma phenomena is their scalability over an enormous size range, from microscopic to galactic. The natural form of the largest visible plasma discharge in the universe, the spiral galaxy, is seen repeated here at the heart of our own spiral electric galaxy.
Birkeland current filaments are like “transmission lines” through which
electricity is conducted in the universe. Helical strands from the core
of Galaxy NGC 3079 (left) indicate electricity discharging from its
nucleus. A swirling toroid constrains the young hot blue stars that
circle the older yellow nucleus of Hoag’s Object, a non-typical galaxy
known as a ring galaxy.
It is possible that the stellar haloes are actually examples of a dense plasma focus penumbra with Hoag's Object being an example.
Images taken from experiments using a dense plasma focus (plasma gun) offer an analogue to the “pinch zones” surrounding the discharge from Hoag’s Object. One of the signature phenomena in a dense plasma focus is the helical strands of energy that surround a powerfully radiating arc-mode discharge and a dark-current torus. The strands are helical magnetic fields that confine the electrified plasma and act like power lines in space – Birkeland current filaments. That phenomenon is present in the plasma gun discharge that makes up Hoag’s Object.
It may be that there are 28 filamentary strands in the penumbral cloud of stars and nebulae that have been energized by the gun – the exact count is difficult to determine in the images.
The Birkeland current filaments are caused by the magnetic pinch effect and they space themselves evenly apart in a characteristic number of 56 filaments. With time, the 56 filaments coalesce in two’s and sometimes threes. The result is a sequence of 56 (by far the most common), 49, 47, 41, 39, 33, 30, followed by a large number of 28 filaments. The convergence continues through 20, 16, 8, 7, 6, and 4, the latter being the minimum number of Birkeland filaments recorded.
In 1978 radio maps revealed that a radio galaxy emits narrow beams of energy, which connect then to outlying radio lobes and in 1980 the VLA telescope revealed that the same jets emanate from quasars.
Since the currents must flow out along the axis, they will arc around, - as in the plasma focus - a similar geometry leads to plasmoid formation in both cases.
A Quasi-stellar radio source (Quasar) is a powerfully energetic and distant galaxy with an active galactic nucleus. It is a luminous version of an active galaxy. There is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region 10-10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the central supermassive black hole of a galaxy, powered by its accretion disc.
The most luminous quasars radiate at a rate that can exceed the output of average galaxies, equivalent to one trillion (1012) suns. This radiation is emitted across the spectrum, almost equally, from X-rays to the far-infrared with a peak in the ultraviolet-optical bands, with some quasars also being strong sources of radio emission and of gamma-rays. In early optical images, quasars looked like point sources indistinguishable from stars, except for their peculiar spectra. With infrared telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the "host galaxies" surrounding the quasars have been identified in some cases. These galaxies are normally too dim to be seen against the glare of the quasar, except with these special techniques.
Some quasars display changes in luminosity which are rapid in the optical range and even more rapid in the X-rays. This implies that they are small (Solar System sized or less) because an object cannot change faster than the time it takes light to travel from one end to the other; but relativistic beaming of jets pointed nearly directly toward us explains the most extreme cases.
A minority of quasars show strong radio emission, which originates from jets of matter moving close to the speed of light. When looked at down the jet, these appear as a blazar and often have regions that appear to move away from the center faster than the speed of light (superluminal expansion). This is an optical trick due to the properties of special relativity.
Since quasars exhibit properties common to active galaxies, the emissions from quasars can be compared to those of small active galaxies powered by supermassive black holes. To create a luminosity of 1040 W, the typical brightness of a quasar, a super-massive black hole would have to consume the material equivalent of 10 stars per year. The brightest known quasars devour 1000 solar masses of material every year. Quasars 'turn on' and off depending on their surroundings, and since quasars cannot continue to feed at high rates for 10 billion years, after a quasar finishes accreting the surrounding gas and dust, it becomes an ordinary galaxy.
Electric Universe (EU) theory can explain the source of a quasar's immense power, the ultimate source is the rotational energy of an entire galaxy.
This energy is converted to electrical power by the disk generator action and concentrated in the smaller filaments moving towards the core. The filament pinches into a plasma that, for the largest quasars, might be a hundred light years across. The visible quasar though, is far smaller.
This is the region, a light year or so wide, where each individual sub filament that composes the plasmoid is bursting apart as it radiates its energy and powers the emitted jets. Just as a hydro electric dam draws power from the water falling in a river valley, the quasar is drawing energy immediately from the plasmoid's magnetic field, a million times larger in volume, and ultimately from the entire galaxy. In this way the energy gained from the collapse of the galaxy is expelled as electrical energy in the quasar jets. Without the elimination of this energy, the entire galaxy would never form at all.
(The model can also account for the way that quasars and active galactic nuclei emit jets in only one direction at a time, switching after several thousand years. One beam is electrons, which radiate so quickly it will not extend beyond the limits of the quasar itself. The other is protons, which radiate far more slowly. The high-energy protons will, in turn, accelerate electrons along the way, making the jets visible to radio telescopes. But only a fraction of the energy will be lost, so the protons will produce extensive jets.)
A starburst galaxy is any galaxy identified with very high rates of star formation. In the plasma model, starburst galaxies are most likely galaxies with large amounts of electrical activity. High electrical activity can produce plenty of z-pinch in the plasma throughout the galaxy, thus producing stars quicker than other galaxies.
Lerner predicted dense powerful magnetic filaments about a light year across looping towards the centre of the galaxy and arcing out along its axis. In 1984 on the cover of nature magazine august was a bundle of filaments arcing out of the centre of the galaxy, the outer ones helically twisted around the straight inner ones as an illustration of a force free vortex.
The Black Hole explanation of galactic nuclei and quasars remained dominant despite this. The filaments were dismissed as a fascinating mystery or a black hole generated plasma beam.
1989 observation of plasma velocities near the centre of the galaxy were 1,500 km/s, whereas stars within a few light years of the centre were 70 km/s (20 times slower than plasma in the same area). They show that the velocity of plasma must be due to magnetic field [which does not affect stars] and not a gravitational field of a swirling black hole.
In 1989 radio astronomers detected a filament of radio emissions stretched along a super cluster coming from a region between two clusters of galaxies. The estimated current size was 5-10 million trillion amps.
Halton Arp points out that quasars and other young high redshift objects are ejection phenomena. The Big Bang theory is allegedly based on a misinterpretation of redshift. The redshift of a distant galaxy is measured in the light coming from that galaxy. Lines in the spectrum of that galaxy show a shift toward the red compared with the same lines from our Sun.
Arp discovered that high and low redshift objects are sometimes connected by a bridge or jet of matter. So redshift cannot be a measure of distance. Most of the redshift is intrinsic to the object. Arp also found that the intrinsic redshift of a quasar or galaxy took discrete values, which decreased with distance from a central active galaxy. In Arp's new view of the cosmos, active galaxies "give birth" to high redshift quasars and companion galaxies. Redshift becomes a measure of the relative ages of nearby quasars and galaxies, not their distance. As a quasar or galaxy ages, the redshift decreases in discrete steps, or quanta.
The huge puzzle for astrophysicists is why a galaxy should exhibit an atomic phenomenon. So we turn to particle physics. This difficulty highlights the fact that quantum "mechanics" applied to atoms is a theory without physical reality.
Arp's telescope time was denied, papers rejected, and he was forced to leave the US to pursue his work.
A few years ago Halton Arp was denied telescope time at Mount Wilson and Palomar observatories because his observing program had found evidence contrary to the standard big bang model (Scientific American, February 1992, p. 96). Seyfert galaxies are in a broader category of active galaxies. The defining characteristic of active galaxies is the presence of an extremely energetic process in their nuclei. The power of these active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is so extreme that a region less than a parsec across releases more energy than the entire rest of the galaxy, which may span tens of kiloparsecs. AGNs can outshine entire galaxies not just in visible light, but across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Their X-ray output is indicative of temperatures orders of magnitude hotter than the surfaces of stars. Their radio emissions can be so powerful that the brightest objects in the radio sky are active galaxies, despite the fact that they are also some of the farthest objects known.
About 15% of the spiral galaxies we can see have active galactic nuclei. OR 15% are in their active phase that occurs after a Gamma Ray Burst. Does our galaxy go active? Ice core samples have revealed faint traces of evidence of such events that occur every 10,000 years or so. The last one seems to have occurred 14,000 years ago. It corresponded to the greatest extinction of animals in the known history of the planet.
One theory proposes that Gamma ray bursts are the result of mutually annihilating neutron stars colliding at the center of spiral galaxies. Another contention is that quasars are emitted from the centers of Seyfert galaxies along their axes of rotation (or another way of putting it, plasmoids from the centre of active galactic nuclei).
Filament like super clusters of galaxies (seen in the 'Cosmic Tapestry' map of the universe) are like larger versions of the filaments in the plasma focus and filaments to form galaxies. They would produce magnetic fields in which galaxies, as they rotate, would produce the plasmoids that make up quasars, or active galactic nuclei.
The first filaments will be the super cluster chains. These give birth to proto clusters which in turn generate galaxies. Finally the galaxies produce stellar clouds which will condense into stars. At each stage the inward flowing currents and background magnetic field will brake the spinning plasma, allowing further contraction of the proto-cluster, proto-galaxy or proto star.
The energy taken from rotation and gravitational contraction of the object will go into the creation of a dense plasmoid and will be released in the beams that the plasmoid creates as they decay. A quasar is thus the means by which the excess energy of rotation is carried away in the form of energetic jets [so that the galaxy can collapse]. Once the galaxy forms, the same process is today generating stars in the dense filaments of the spiral arms.
The most luminous quasars radiate at a rate that can exceed the output of average galaxies, equivalent to one trillion (1012) suns. This radiation is emitted across the spectrum, almost equally, from X-rays to the far-infrared with a peak in the ultraviolet-optical bands, with some quasars also being strong sources of radio emission and of gamma-rays. In early optical images, quasars looked like point sources indistinguishable from stars, except for their peculiar spectra. With infrared telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the "host galaxies" surrounding the quasars have been identified in some cases. These galaxies are normally too dim to be seen against the glare of the quasar, except with these special techniques.
Some quasars display changes in luminosity which are rapid in the optical range and even more rapid in the X-rays. This implies that they are small (Solar System sized or less) because an object cannot change faster than the time it takes light to travel from one end to the other; but relativistic beaming of jets pointed nearly directly toward us explains the most extreme cases.
A minority of quasars show strong radio emission, which originates from jets of matter moving close to the speed of light. When looked at down the jet, these appear as a blazar and often have regions that appear to move away from the center faster than the speed of light (superluminal expansion). This is an optical trick due to the properties of special relativity.
Since quasars exhibit properties common to active galaxies, the emissions from quasars can be compared to those of small active galaxies powered by supermassive black holes. To create a luminosity of 1040 W, the typical brightness of a quasar, a super-massive black hole would have to consume the material equivalent of 10 stars per year. The brightest known quasars devour 1000 solar masses of material every year. Quasars 'turn on' and off depending on their surroundings, and since quasars cannot continue to feed at high rates for 10 billion years, after a quasar finishes accreting the surrounding gas and dust, it becomes an ordinary galaxy.
When Jehovih condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there rose up from the earth heat and moisture, which continue to this day. But Jehovih limited the ascent of the substances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was as the clouds that float in the air; and the heat was of like ascent. And whilst the moisture and heat rise upward, they are met by the etheric substance of the vortex of the earth, and the moisture and the gases of the air assume the form of needles. On the side of the earth facing the sun the needles are polarized and acting, driving forth; the which is called light; but on the face of the earth opposite from the sun the needles are in confusion, and this is called darkness.
Jehovih said: That man may comprehend the structure of the belt that holdeth the earth, I will give him a sign high up in the air. And Jehovih caused the vapor in the firmament to be frozen and fall to the earth, white, and it is called snow. For the snow-drop showeth the matrix in which it is molded.
Gravitation is a manifestation of etheric current acting within a vortex. Resulting change in the etheric currents (the apparent force of gravity) produces the stellar or planetary world as clouds are produced by changes in weather. Matter holds its form by vortexian power.
Apparent light is produced by polarisation of a line of sub atomic needles. The needle length approximate to the actinic wavelength, or a number of them. The angle or angles at which they are set upon their own axis gives the waveform effect. The effect travels along the line of needles outwards from the apparent period of travel (Speed of light). This speed is constant because relative speed cannot be communicated to needles.
Light does not travel. The turning effect [which travels] along the line of needles is not manifest as light until it impinges upon a vortexian lens [in space is little heat and light]. Without the Van Allan belts the power of the sun would be without force on the earth. It's vortexian lens makes heat and light manifest. They are produced by the earth's own vortex, polarised by the master vortex, or stars etc.
Apparent 'light' from the sun could be thought of as a 'zero point', ie., having no wavelength or frequency, being direct and pure.
If there were subtle ethereal/corporeal needles in space [the "master's infinitesimal needles"], these would form a straight line from point to point, ie., no wavelength effect.
[A Buddhist and Hindu analogy is 'qualityless', or 'without attributes', therefore without limit or conception.The 'elements' attempt to 'mirror' or express this, but become only a reflection, a projection of themselves, and so manifest the 'world', which is therefore said to be 'unreal', while the true essence embraces all phenomena and all beings, and things exist in and by it. The pattern of a snow-drop is never duplicated, so its matrix possesses the potential of boundless form.]
One might think then that it's only when it reaches atmospheric substances that the observed corporeal attributes of wave behaviour and its proportional frequency takes form. When this happens the direct (unseen) light polarises these substances (now becoming seen light [measurable]) according to their vortices (atomic/molecular/subatomic particles).
The solution of infinitesimal needles are polarised in ethe by the tension (voltage) between positive and negative potential between the master's focus and the earth, which also polarises the vortices of atmospheric ions which complete the chain (circuit).
The northern poles of these vortices (or the mean collective north pole in the case of a molecule) could be thought to connect to the line of needles in ethe at the interface. Hypothetically, these northern poles attempt to align in a perfect straight line (like the ethe), but having a circular movement and varying degrees of inertia according to their vortex substance, they end up oscillating in two planes (rotate).
Just as a line of floats reaching from the sea to the shore individually bob vertically up and down (without really moving forward) as a wave front passes through them, such that they collectively portray an apparent moving wave form, so do the northern poles of atmospheric corpor, after coming into alignment, oscillate or round and round individually while collectively they form wave fronts in two planes (electro and magnetic), the third dimension being represented by the forward motion itself. [One could philosophise that from this All goes forth.]
(Electromagnetic wave motion snakes along at a contstant speed set according to the rate at which its magnetic component induces the electric component which in turn induces the magnetic component ad infinitum).
Direct needles of light from the sun stimulate the atmospherean magnetosphere to impart the full spectrum of indirect light in the form of heat, radio and ultra violet rays etc.
The ionosphere (the intensely active parts of the magnetosphere) is the place of actinic force, which is evident in the massive currents and voltages being most evident in the Van Allen belt, which has a donut shape, but in cross-section forms a crescent shape.
The waveform and frequency changes with the density of the atmospherean vortex until it is perceived by the senses. Thus the vortexian motion is transliterated from ethe to corpor, from the Father to the Son.
Ralph Sansbury has a similar theory. [I don't understand this very well yet.]
Gravity may be due to radially oriented electrostatic dipoles inside atomic nuclei. From this premise it is possible to derive the interaction of gravity with electrical and magnetic forces.
Light is not a moving thing but the result of instantaneous forces at a distance on charged matter whose inertia etc., delays the appearance of received radiation.
The spin of electrons and nuclei can be better characterised in terms of charge polarisation inside the electrons and nuclei;
That the attraction of planets to the sun requires a dipole inside nuclei tracking the sun in addition to the one whose orientation is constantly changing so as to be directed toward the center of the planet etc.
In the electric model the nucleus of each atom, which is thousands of times heavier than the electrons, will be gravitationally offset from the center of the atom. The result is that each atom becomes a small electric dipole. The atomic and molecular dipoles align to form a radial electric field that causes electrons to diffuse outwards in enormously greater numbers than gravitational sorting allows. It leaves positively charged ions behind which repel one another. That electrical repulsion balances the compressive force of gravity without the need for a central heat source in the sun.
Oahspe says:
As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward the center, which condition of things is called LIGHT; and when these needles approach the center, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called HEAT.
35. Neither light, nor heat, nor attraction of gravitation comes from the sun to the earth. That which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth a flash requires a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light. When the flash continues, as in the case of the sun center, the master's infinitesimal needles remain poised from the sun center outward, even to the earth, and may be compared to telegraph wires, with a battery at each end. But there is no travel in any sense whatever.
Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is the condition of things polarized within the master vortex. Night is manufactured by the earth coming betwixt the master's focus and the outer extreme. So that both night and day continue all the time; and we realize them both alternately in consequence of the axial motion of the earth. As in the case of night, or of any darkness, when the needles of atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity, or when the lines of needles are cut, as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth's vortexian currents, and such is the cause of darkness.
The heat in herbs are the objective points of the actinic force of vortexya. And this heat in herbs is equivalent to the same thing in iron, which is called magnetism. And its liberation or polar manifestation is, after all, one and the same thing as that which is discharged in a magnetic flame called electricity. On a cloudy day the needles of the corpor in etheic solution (mist, or dull atmosphere) are more or less transverse to the vortexian lines. In a clear day the needles are linear to the earth. The latter direction of the needles may be called direct, and the former indirect. Wherein they are direct, and they fall on the photoplate, the force of their blows is called actinic force. In this actinic blow a weak electric flame is produced by each needle; hence the power to blister an exposed skin which hath been kept for years in the dark (negative).
16. If a solution of iron, transparent, other recipient of negative electricity, be sprinkled on it, the actinic ray will not result in the electric spark, and no blistering effect will be produced.
An electric star is formed by the equivalent of a lightning bolt in a molecular (plasma) cloud. Just like earthly lightning, cosmic lightning scavenges, squeezes and heats matter along the discharge channel. Where the squeeze is most intense, the current may ‘pinch off’ to give the effect of ‘bead lightning.’ In high-energy plasma lab discharges researchers have found that hot plasma ‘beads’ (known as plasmoids) form along the discharge axis before “scattering like buckshot” when the discharge quenches.
The dense plasma focus device, or “plasma gun” provides a mechanism by which cosmic electric currents can influence space structures, whether they be moons or galaxies.
A dense plasma focus (DPF) produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, short-lived plasma that is so hot and dense that it becomes a copious multi-radiation source. The electromagnetic compression of a plasma is called a "pinch".
Two coaxial cylindrical electrodes have a very high voltage and current from a charged bank of electrical capacitors applied between them at one end. The gas breaks down. An axisymmetric sheath of plasma current lifts off the insulator due to the interaction of the current with its own magnetic field (J×B force). A radial discharge is initiated (shown in blue), which moves axially along the electrodes (1), under the influence of its self-generated magnetic field, until it reaches the end of the electrodes. There it balloons out in a filamentary penumbra (2).
When the imploding front of the shock wave coalesces onto the axis, a reflected shock front emanates from the axis until it meets the driving current sheath which then forms the axisymmetric boundary of the 'pinched' or focused hot plasma column.
The kink instability twists upon itself to form a tiny donut shaped ‘plasmoid’ of extremely high energy density. Eventually, the plasmoid breaks down and electrons and ions are accelerated from the plasmoid in opposite directions along the axis in intense, narrow beams (4).
All this becomes clear if you watch this good visual youtube movie: Plasma Focus Operation
Its also essential to see how the kink plasma instability causes the filaments to form a coiled coil here:
Focus Fusion process
A person explains the birkeland filament twisting and plasmoid formation in: Focus Fusion The dense plasma column (akin to the Z-pinch) rapidly "pinches" and undergoes instabilities and breaks up. The intense electromagnetic and particle bursts, collectively referred to as 'multi-radiation' occur during the dense plasma and breakup phases. These critical phases last typically tens of nanoseconds for a small focus (kJ, 100 kA) to around a microsecond for a large focus (MJ, several MA). The whole process, including axial and radial phases, may last a few microseconds (for a small focus) to 10 microseconds (for a large focus). The whole process proceeds at many times the speed of sound in the ambient gas.
A characteristic of the dense plasma focus is that the energy density of the focused plasma is practically a constant over the whole range of machines. A small table-top-sized plasma focus machine produces essentially the same plasma characteristics (temperature and density) as the largest plasma focus. Of course the larger machine will produce, the larger volume of focused plasma with a corresponding longer lifetime and more radiation yield. Even the smallest plasma focus has essentially the same dynamic characteristics as larger machines, producing the same plasma characteristics and the same radiation products and radiation characteristics. This is due to the scalability of plasma phenomena.
As the sheath carrying the inwards-moving current forms, pairs of vortex filaments are generated
When a large current is discharged across the cylinder of a plasma focus device it rapidly ionises the plasma and forms into many pairs of filaments which twist together into one filament that pinches itself into a dense toroidal (doughnut-shaped) knot of filaments called a plasmoid.The entire energy stored in the magnetic field of the device is now contained in a very small area (half a millimetre across) and the electrons orbit in smaller circles as the field increases, giving off radiation of a higher frequency.
Because plasma tends to be opaque to low frequency radiation, and transparent to high frequency, the radiation suddenly escapes. The electrons quickly loose their energy, the current drops and the field weakens. The electrons (that travel along the magnetic field lines) tangle, the result being like turning off a switch, and similar to the effect of a double layer.
At the focus the filaments annihilate each other, leaving only one, which necks off into a plasmoid (shown schematically). As it decays, the plasmoid emits two beams, each made up of tiny filaments organised into a helical pattern
The falling magnetic field generates a huge electrical field which shoots two high-energy beams out of the plasmoid, the electrons one way, the protons in the opposite direction. The beam consists of many dense helical filaments (one micron across). Some ions are heated to such high temperatures that they fuse. A similar cosmic scale plasma focus phenomenon is thought to be generated at the Galactic Center by filamentary helical "Birkeland" currents flowing in along the spiral arms and out along the galactic spin axis. An infrared "double helix" nebula located about 100 parsecs from the Galactic Center has its axis oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane and is apparently connected to the circum-nuclear disk, which is conventionally thought to be an accretion disk harboring a "supermassive" black hole.
A magnetic field requires an electric current and circuit. It is thought that Birkeland filaments align with the ambient magnetic field which is, in turn, generated by electric currents flowing into the central plasmoid. Plasmoids are well known in the plasma laboratory as a high-density energy storage phenomenon that produces well-collimated jets after a time that depends upon particle collisions within the plasmoid.
X-ray emission is a signature of electrical activity. There is a persistent high-energy flux from the heart of the Milky Way. The spectral characteristics of the X-ray emission from this region suggests that the source is most likely not point-like but, rather, that it is a compact, yet diffuse, non-thermal emission region, which we should expect from an electromagnetic plasmoid. X-ray flares fire roughly every 20 minutes - a regularity that is hard to explain in terms of erratic infall of matter into a black hole. But clockwork regularity of plasma discharges already explains the pulsations from other bodies in deep space. The center of our galaxy is emitting gamma rays with energies in the tens of trillions of electron volts. The plasma focus is the most copious source of high-energy particles and radiation known to plasma experimenters.
The hallmark of plasma phenomena is their scalability over an enormous size range, from microscopic to galactic. The natural form of the largest visible plasma discharge in the universe, the spiral galaxy, is seen repeated here at the heart of our own spiral electric galaxy.
Cartwheel Galaxy
The swirling shape radiates outward in the same way as the Cartwheel Galaxy. The filaments that connect the core with the ring in the Cartwheel Galaxy are missing in Hoag’s Object, although they could be radiating in dark current mode.It is possible that the stellar haloes are actually examples of a dense plasma focus penumbra with Hoag's Object being an example.
Images taken from experiments using a dense plasma focus (plasma gun) offer an analogue to the “pinch zones” surrounding the discharge from Hoag’s Object. One of the signature phenomena in a dense plasma focus is the helical strands of energy that surround a powerfully radiating arc-mode discharge and a dark-current torus. The strands are helical magnetic fields that confine the electrified plasma and act like power lines in space – Birkeland current filaments. That phenomenon is present in the plasma gun discharge that makes up Hoag’s Object.
It may be that there are 28 filamentary strands in the penumbral cloud of stars and nebulae that have been energized by the gun – the exact count is difficult to determine in the images.
The Birkeland current filaments are caused by the magnetic pinch effect and they space themselves evenly apart in a characteristic number of 56 filaments. With time, the 56 filaments coalesce in two’s and sometimes threes. The result is a sequence of 56 (by far the most common), 49, 47, 41, 39, 33, 30, followed by a large number of 28 filaments. The convergence continues through 20, 16, 8, 7, 6, and 4, the latter being the minimum number of Birkeland filaments recorded.
The Cosmic Process
A plasma focus can increase power density by a factor of 10,000 trillion over incoming energy - comparable to the ratio of a quasar to a galaxy. A galaxy rotating in a magnetic field will generate a current flowing toward its centre sufficient to power vast plasmoids.In 1978 radio maps revealed that a radio galaxy emits narrow beams of energy, which connect then to outlying radio lobes and in 1980 the VLA telescope revealed that the same jets emanate from quasars.
Since the currents must flow out along the axis, they will arc around, - as in the plasma focus - a similar geometry leads to plasmoid formation in both cases.
A Quasi-stellar radio source (Quasar) is a powerfully energetic and distant galaxy with an active galactic nucleus. It is a luminous version of an active galaxy. There is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region 10-10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the central supermassive black hole of a galaxy, powered by its accretion disc.
The most luminous quasars radiate at a rate that can exceed the output of average galaxies, equivalent to one trillion (1012) suns. This radiation is emitted across the spectrum, almost equally, from X-rays to the far-infrared with a peak in the ultraviolet-optical bands, with some quasars also being strong sources of radio emission and of gamma-rays. In early optical images, quasars looked like point sources indistinguishable from stars, except for their peculiar spectra. With infrared telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the "host galaxies" surrounding the quasars have been identified in some cases. These galaxies are normally too dim to be seen against the glare of the quasar, except with these special techniques.
Some quasars display changes in luminosity which are rapid in the optical range and even more rapid in the X-rays. This implies that they are small (Solar System sized or less) because an object cannot change faster than the time it takes light to travel from one end to the other; but relativistic beaming of jets pointed nearly directly toward us explains the most extreme cases.
A minority of quasars show strong radio emission, which originates from jets of matter moving close to the speed of light. When looked at down the jet, these appear as a blazar and often have regions that appear to move away from the center faster than the speed of light (superluminal expansion). This is an optical trick due to the properties of special relativity.
Since quasars exhibit properties common to active galaxies, the emissions from quasars can be compared to those of small active galaxies powered by supermassive black holes. To create a luminosity of 1040 W, the typical brightness of a quasar, a super-massive black hole would have to consume the material equivalent of 10 stars per year. The brightest known quasars devour 1000 solar masses of material every year. Quasars 'turn on' and off depending on their surroundings, and since quasars cannot continue to feed at high rates for 10 billion years, after a quasar finishes accreting the surrounding gas and dust, it becomes an ordinary galaxy.
A collapsing, rotating protogalaxy generates an electrical current that spirals in toward the center and leaves along the axis.
Electric Universe (EU) theory can explain the source of a quasar's immense power, the ultimate source is the rotational energy of an entire galaxy.
This energy is converted to electrical power by the disk generator action and concentrated in the smaller filaments moving towards the core. The filament pinches into a plasma that, for the largest quasars, might be a hundred light years across. The visible quasar though, is far smaller.
This is the region, a light year or so wide, where each individual sub filament that composes the plasmoid is bursting apart as it radiates its energy and powers the emitted jets. Just as a hydro electric dam draws power from the water falling in a river valley, the quasar is drawing energy immediately from the plasmoid's magnetic field, a million times larger in volume, and ultimately from the entire galaxy. In this way the energy gained from the collapse of the galaxy is expelled as electrical energy in the quasar jets. Without the elimination of this energy, the entire galaxy would never form at all.
(The model can also account for the way that quasars and active galactic nuclei emit jets in only one direction at a time, switching after several thousand years. One beam is electrons, which radiate so quickly it will not extend beyond the limits of the quasar itself. The other is protons, which radiate far more slowly. The high-energy protons will, in turn, accelerate electrons along the way, making the jets visible to radio telescopes. But only a fraction of the energy will be lost, so the protons will produce extensive jets.)
At the center the filament carrying the current pinches into a plasmoid about 200 light years across. The platsmoid in turn generates a powerful elecrical field along its axis, accelerating beams of protons and electrons. The small region from which these beams emerge ( the region of the highest magnetic field) is only a half a light year across. This is the visible quasar.
Herbig-Haro objects or stars in the process of formation that produce jets, as do galaxies, created a mystery that conventional cosmology could not explain by black holes theory, since the object in question was clearly a protostar. But the plasmoid process will be a feature of any contracting body regardless of size.A starburst galaxy is any galaxy identified with very high rates of star formation. In the plasma model, starburst galaxies are most likely galaxies with large amounts of electrical activity. High electrical activity can produce plenty of z-pinch in the plasma throughout the galaxy, thus producing stars quicker than other galaxies.
Lerner predicted dense powerful magnetic filaments about a light year across looping towards the centre of the galaxy and arcing out along its axis. In 1984 on the cover of nature magazine august was a bundle of filaments arcing out of the centre of the galaxy, the outer ones helically twisted around the straight inner ones as an illustration of a force free vortex.
The Black Hole explanation of galactic nuclei and quasars remained dominant despite this. The filaments were dismissed as a fascinating mystery or a black hole generated plasma beam.
1989 observation of plasma velocities near the centre of the galaxy were 1,500 km/s, whereas stars within a few light years of the centre were 70 km/s (20 times slower than plasma in the same area). They show that the velocity of plasma must be due to magnetic field [which does not affect stars] and not a gravitational field of a swirling black hole.
In 1989 radio astronomers detected a filament of radio emissions stretched along a super cluster coming from a region between two clusters of galaxies. The estimated current size was 5-10 million trillion amps.
Halton Arp points out that quasars and other young high redshift objects are ejection phenomena. The Big Bang theory is allegedly based on a misinterpretation of redshift. The redshift of a distant galaxy is measured in the light coming from that galaxy. Lines in the spectrum of that galaxy show a shift toward the red compared with the same lines from our Sun.
Arp discovered that high and low redshift objects are sometimes connected by a bridge or jet of matter. So redshift cannot be a measure of distance. Most of the redshift is intrinsic to the object. Arp also found that the intrinsic redshift of a quasar or galaxy took discrete values, which decreased with distance from a central active galaxy. In Arp's new view of the cosmos, active galaxies "give birth" to high redshift quasars and companion galaxies. Redshift becomes a measure of the relative ages of nearby quasars and galaxies, not their distance. As a quasar or galaxy ages, the redshift decreases in discrete steps, or quanta.
The huge puzzle for astrophysicists is why a galaxy should exhibit an atomic phenomenon. So we turn to particle physics. This difficulty highlights the fact that quantum "mechanics" applied to atoms is a theory without physical reality.
Arp's telescope time was denied, papers rejected, and he was forced to leave the US to pursue his work.
A few years ago Halton Arp was denied telescope time at Mount Wilson and Palomar observatories because his observing program had found evidence contrary to the standard big bang model (Scientific American, February 1992, p. 96). Seyfert galaxies are in a broader category of active galaxies. The defining characteristic of active galaxies is the presence of an extremely energetic process in their nuclei. The power of these active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is so extreme that a region less than a parsec across releases more energy than the entire rest of the galaxy, which may span tens of kiloparsecs. AGNs can outshine entire galaxies not just in visible light, but across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
Their X-ray output is indicative of temperatures orders of magnitude hotter than the surfaces of stars. Their radio emissions can be so powerful that the brightest objects in the radio sky are active galaxies, despite the fact that they are also some of the farthest objects known.
About 15% of the spiral galaxies we can see have active galactic nuclei. OR 15% are in their active phase that occurs after a Gamma Ray Burst. Does our galaxy go active? Ice core samples have revealed faint traces of evidence of such events that occur every 10,000 years or so. The last one seems to have occurred 14,000 years ago. It corresponded to the greatest extinction of animals in the known history of the planet.
One theory proposes that Gamma ray bursts are the result of mutually annihilating neutron stars colliding at the center of spiral galaxies. Another contention is that quasars are emitted from the centers of Seyfert galaxies along their axes of rotation (or another way of putting it, plasmoids from the centre of active galactic nuclei).
Filament like super clusters of galaxies (seen in the 'Cosmic Tapestry' map of the universe) are like larger versions of the filaments in the plasma focus and filaments to form galaxies. They would produce magnetic fields in which galaxies, as they rotate, would produce the plasmoids that make up quasars, or active galactic nuclei.
Magnetic reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail, producing a disconnected "plasmoid"
Edward Lewis writes that atoms seem to be a plasmoid phenomena. Galaxies seem to convert to jets, beams, and electrical currents in the middle. Ball lightning, plasmoids, tornadoes and galaxies seem to be similar phenomena since they behave similarly. Plasmoids occur in the Earth's magetosphere as tailward fast plasma flows observed within plasma sheet . These have helical magnetic field structures, called "flux ropes"..Solar plasmoid as seen from above the pole, imaged in ultra-violet light using SOHO data.
In the electrical model, the Sun receives electrical energy from interstellar space in the form of a glow discharge. Plasma experiments show that some energy will be stored in a donut shaped 'plasmoid' above the Sun's equator. The energy is released sporadically from the plasmoid to the mid-latitudes of the Sun. Any plasma with sufficient energy will create a vortex filament. Force free filaments, those with the most twist, will grow faster and dominate. They will pinch plasma together, forming thick, dense ropes. These filaments grow until gravity breaks them up, producing blobs of plasma spinning across field lines of huge filaments. This in turn will generate inward flowing currents that will produce a new set of filaments, repeating the cycle, spinning an ever finer web of matter.The first filaments will be the super cluster chains. These give birth to proto clusters which in turn generate galaxies. Finally the galaxies produce stellar clouds which will condense into stars. At each stage the inward flowing currents and background magnetic field will brake the spinning plasma, allowing further contraction of the proto-cluster, proto-galaxy or proto star.
The energy taken from rotation and gravitational contraction of the object will go into the creation of a dense plasmoid and will be released in the beams that the plasmoid creates as they decay. A quasar is thus the means by which the excess energy of rotation is carried away in the form of energetic jets [so that the galaxy can collapse]. Once the galaxy forms, the same process is today generating stars in the dense filaments of the spiral arms.
A Quasi-stellar radio source (Quasar) is a powerfully energetic and distant galaxy with an active galactic nucleus. It is a luminous version of an active galaxy. There is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region 10-10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the central supermassive black hole of a galaxy, powered by its accretion disc.The most luminous quasars radiate at a rate that can exceed the output of average galaxies, equivalent to one trillion (1012) suns. This radiation is emitted across the spectrum, almost equally, from X-rays to the far-infrared with a peak in the ultraviolet-optical bands, with some quasars also being strong sources of radio emission and of gamma-rays. In early optical images, quasars looked like point sources indistinguishable from stars, except for their peculiar spectra. With infrared telescopes and the Hubble Space Telescope, the "host galaxies" surrounding the quasars have been identified in some cases. These galaxies are normally too dim to be seen against the glare of the quasar, except with these special techniques.
Some quasars display changes in luminosity which are rapid in the optical range and even more rapid in the X-rays. This implies that they are small (Solar System sized or less) because an object cannot change faster than the time it takes light to travel from one end to the other; but relativistic beaming of jets pointed nearly directly toward us explains the most extreme cases.
A minority of quasars show strong radio emission, which originates from jets of matter moving close to the speed of light. When looked at down the jet, these appear as a blazar and often have regions that appear to move away from the center faster than the speed of light (superluminal expansion). This is an optical trick due to the properties of special relativity.
Since quasars exhibit properties common to active galaxies, the emissions from quasars can be compared to those of small active galaxies powered by supermassive black holes. To create a luminosity of 1040 W, the typical brightness of a quasar, a super-massive black hole would have to consume the material equivalent of 10 stars per year. The brightest known quasars devour 1000 solar masses of material every year. Quasars 'turn on' and off depending on their surroundings, and since quasars cannot continue to feed at high rates for 10 billion years, after a quasar finishes accreting the surrounding gas and dust, it becomes an ordinary galaxy.
Earth, Needles in the Atmosphere, and Plateaus
. When Jehovih condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there rose up from the earth heat and moisture, which continue to this day. But Jehovih limited the ascent of the substances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was the same as the clouds that float in the air; and the heat was of similar ascent. And while the moisture and heat rise upward, they are met by the etheric substance of the vortex of the earth, and the moisture and the gases of the air assume the form of needles. On the side of the earth facing the sun the needles are polarized and acting, driving forth, which is called light; but on the face of the earth opposite from the sun the needles are in confusion, and this is called darkness. Jehovih said: So that man may comprehend the structure of the belt that holds the earth, I will give him a sign high up in the air. And Jehovih caused the vapor in the firmament to be frozen and fall to the earth, white, and it is called snow. For the snowflake shows the matrix in which it is molded. Jehovih said: Let this be a sign also, that even as heat and moisture rise up from the earth, so are there representatives of all things on the earth which have also evaporated upward, and all such things rise up to the level of density that is like themselves, every one to its own level, and they take their places in the strata of the vortex. These are called plateaus; or spheres, for they surround the whole earth. Some of them are ten miles high, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand or more miles. And all these spheres that rotate and travel with the earth are called atmospherea, or lower heavens.Oahspe says:
When Jehovih condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there rose up from the earth heat and moisture, which continue to this day. But Jehovih limited the ascent of the substances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was as the clouds that float in the air; and the heat was of like ascent. And whilst the moisture and heat rise upward, they are met by the etheric substance of the vortex of the earth, and the moisture and the gases of the air assume the form of needles. On the side of the earth facing the sun the needles are polarized and acting, driving forth; the which is called light; but on the face of the earth opposite from the sun the needles are in confusion, and this is called darkness.
Jehovih said: That man may comprehend the structure of the belt that holdeth the earth, I will give him a sign high up in the air. And Jehovih caused the vapor in the firmament to be frozen and fall to the earth, white, and it is called snow. For the snow-drop showeth the matrix in which it is molded.
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Plate 43.
A book in the faithist collection called Darkness Dawn and Destiny (1965) by Augustine Cahill interprets the following from Oahspe:Gravitation is a manifestation of etheric current acting within a vortex. Resulting change in the etheric currents (the apparent force of gravity) produces the stellar or planetary world as clouds are produced by changes in weather. Matter holds its form by vortexian power.
Apparent light is produced by polarisation of a line of sub atomic needles. The needle length approximate to the actinic wavelength, or a number of them. The angle or angles at which they are set upon their own axis gives the waveform effect. The effect travels along the line of needles outwards from the apparent period of travel (Speed of light). This speed is constant because relative speed cannot be communicated to needles.
Light does not travel. The turning effect [which travels] along the line of needles is not manifest as light until it impinges upon a vortexian lens [in space is little heat and light]. Without the Van Allan belts the power of the sun would be without force on the earth. It's vortexian lens makes heat and light manifest. They are produced by the earth's own vortex, polarised by the master vortex, or stars etc.
Apparent 'light' from the sun could be thought of as a 'zero point', ie., having no wavelength or frequency, being direct and pure.
If there were subtle ethereal/corporeal needles in space [the "master's infinitesimal needles"], these would form a straight line from point to point, ie., no wavelength effect.
[A Buddhist and Hindu analogy is 'qualityless', or 'without attributes', therefore without limit or conception.The 'elements' attempt to 'mirror' or express this, but become only a reflection, a projection of themselves, and so manifest the 'world', which is therefore said to be 'unreal', while the true essence embraces all phenomena and all beings, and things exist in and by it. The pattern of a snow-drop is never duplicated, so its matrix possesses the potential of boundless form.]
One might think then that it's only when it reaches atmospheric substances that the observed corporeal attributes of wave behaviour and its proportional frequency takes form. When this happens the direct (unseen) light polarises these substances (now becoming seen light [measurable]) according to their vortices (atomic/molecular/subatomic particles).
The solution of infinitesimal needles are polarised in ethe by the tension (voltage) between positive and negative potential between the master's focus and the earth, which also polarises the vortices of atmospheric ions which complete the chain (circuit).
The northern poles of these vortices (or the mean collective north pole in the case of a molecule) could be thought to connect to the line of needles in ethe at the interface. Hypothetically, these northern poles attempt to align in a perfect straight line (like the ethe), but having a circular movement and varying degrees of inertia according to their vortex substance, they end up oscillating in two planes (rotate).
Just as a line of floats reaching from the sea to the shore individually bob vertically up and down (without really moving forward) as a wave front passes through them, such that they collectively portray an apparent moving wave form, so do the northern poles of atmospheric corpor, after coming into alignment, oscillate or round and round individually while collectively they form wave fronts in two planes (electro and magnetic), the third dimension being represented by the forward motion itself. [One could philosophise that from this All goes forth.]
(Electromagnetic wave motion snakes along at a contstant speed set according to the rate at which its magnetic component induces the electric component which in turn induces the magnetic component ad infinitum).
Direct needles of light from the sun stimulate the atmospherean magnetosphere to impart the full spectrum of indirect light in the form of heat, radio and ultra violet rays etc.
The ionosphere (the intensely active parts of the magnetosphere) is the place of actinic force, which is evident in the massive currents and voltages being most evident in the Van Allen belt, which has a donut shape, but in cross-section forms a crescent shape.
The waveform and frequency changes with the density of the atmospherean vortex until it is perceived by the senses. Thus the vortexian motion is transliterated from ethe to corpor, from the Father to the Son.
Ralph Sansbury has a similar theory. [I don't understand this very well yet.]
Gravity may be due to radially oriented electrostatic dipoles inside atomic nuclei. From this premise it is possible to derive the interaction of gravity with electrical and magnetic forces.
Light is not a moving thing but the result of instantaneous forces at a distance on charged matter whose inertia etc., delays the appearance of received radiation.
The spin of electrons and nuclei can be better characterised in terms of charge polarisation inside the electrons and nuclei;
That the attraction of planets to the sun requires a dipole inside nuclei tracking the sun in addition to the one whose orientation is constantly changing so as to be directed toward the center of the planet etc.
In the electric model the nucleus of each atom, which is thousands of times heavier than the electrons, will be gravitationally offset from the center of the atom. The result is that each atom becomes a small electric dipole. The atomic and molecular dipoles align to form a radial electric field that causes electrons to diffuse outwards in enormously greater numbers than gravitational sorting allows. It leaves positively charged ions behind which repel one another. That electrical repulsion balances the compressive force of gravity without the need for a central heat source in the sun.
Oahspe says:
As the lines of vortexya are in currents from the outer toward the interior, so do the solutions of corpor take the shape of needles, in the master, pointing toward the center, which condition of things is called LIGHT; and when these needles approach the center, or even the photosphere, the actinic force thereof is called HEAT.
35. Neither light, nor heat, nor attraction of gravitation comes from the sun to the earth. That which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth a flash requires a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light. When the flash continues, as in the case of the sun center, the master's infinitesimal needles remain poised from the sun center outward, even to the earth, and may be compared to telegraph wires, with a battery at each end. But there is no travel in any sense whatever.
Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Ch1:34-5
Plate 50 of Oahspe … Fig. 1 A photosphere (centre) showing light on every side.
B indicates the sun and planets; 2 shows the place of actinic force; 1 etherea or inactive space.
Fig. 5 Plate 50 Variation of vortex, called variation of needles
The velocity of light, and its actinic force emanates(heat) in Atmospherea. This corresponds to the place of actinic force, while etherea corresponds to non-action. The diagram shows the variation in vortex, called variation of needles;Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is the condition of things polarized within the master vortex. Night is manufactured by the earth coming betwixt the master's focus and the outer extreme. So that both night and day continue all the time; and we realize them both alternately in consequence of the axial motion of the earth. As in the case of night, or of any darkness, when the needles of atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity, or when the lines of needles are cut, as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth's vortexian currents, and such is the cause of darkness.
The heat in herbs are the objective points of the actinic force of vortexya. And this heat in herbs is equivalent to the same thing in iron, which is called magnetism. And its liberation or polar manifestation is, after all, one and the same thing as that which is discharged in a magnetic flame called electricity. On a cloudy day the needles of the corpor in etheic solution (mist, or dull atmosphere) are more or less transverse to the vortexian lines. In a clear day the needles are linear to the earth. The latter direction of the needles may be called direct, and the former indirect. Wherein they are direct, and they fall on the photoplate, the force of their blows is called actinic force. In this actinic blow a weak electric flame is produced by each needle; hence the power to blister an exposed skin which hath been kept for years in the dark (negative).
16. If a solution of iron, transparent, other recipient of negative electricity, be sprinkled on it, the actinic ray will not result in the electric spark, and no blistering effect will be produced.
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